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Theme: Assessments and Monitoring

According to need? Needs assessment and decicion-making in the humanitarian sector

A technical paper looking at the link between needs assessment and decision-making in the humanitarian sector.

Published in 2010, by James Darcy, Charles-Antoine Hofmann

Adolescents: Assessment of Nutritional Status in Emergency-affected Populations

This RNIS (Refugee Nutrition Information System) supplement discusses the assessment of undernutrition in adolescents in emergency situations with a focus on acute undernutrition. The World Health Organization (WHO) defines adolescents as persons aged 10-19 years old. This is one of the few publications on this age group.

Published in 2000, by UN Standing Committtee on Nutrition

Adults: Assessment of Nutritional Status in Emergency-Affected Populations

This RNIS (Refugee Nutrition Information System) supplement describes simple techniques suitable for the assessment of the nutritional status of adults aged 20-60 years in emergency-affected populations. The BMI (Body Mass Index), MUAC (Mid-upper Arm Circumference), and clinical models are assessed for their usefulness in determining the prevalence of...

Published in 2000, by UN Standing Committee on Nutrition

Analysing disrupted health sectors – a Modular Manual

A manual, linked to a training course, with the aim of providing guidance to analysts of troubled health sectors. This includes countries on the verge of an economic, political and/or military catastrophe, protracted crises and situations of transition from disaster to recovery. The intended users are apprentice analysts, already with field experience,...

Published in 2007, by WHO

Anthropometry Basics: FANTA bookmark

The BOOKMARK presents clear information on basic anthropometric concepts. Bookmarks measure 2.5" by 7.5" (6.4 cm by 19.1 cm).

Published in 2004, by FANTA

Anthropometry training video

Demonstrates measurement of child weight, length, height and arm circumference, and adult weight and height. Available in English, French and Spanish.

Published in 2004, by WHO

Assessing Nutrition Situations in Emergencies: FANTA bookmark

The BOOKMARK presents clear information on malnutrition classification and cut-offs with commonly used eligibility criteria for selective feeding programs. Bookmarks measure 2.5" by 7.5" (6.4 cm by 19.1 cm)

Published in 2006, by FANTA

Assessing the effectiveness of community based targeting of emergency food aid in Bangladesh, Ethiopia and Malawi

Provides an overview of effectiveness of three community-based targeting food distribution systems. For managers planning community-based targeting systems

Published in 2005, by WFP/IFPRI, D. O. Gilligan, J. Hoddinott, A. R. Quisumbing, M. Sharma

Assessment of iodine deficiency disorders and monitoring their elimination: A guide for programme managers

This document sets out principles governing the use of surveillance indicators in implementing interventions to prevent, control, and monitor iodine deficiency disorders (IDD). It presents methods for monitoring iodine status and determining urinary iodine and provides guidelines on the procedures for monitoring salt iodine content, whether at the factory,...

Published in 2007, by WHO, UNICEF, ICCIDD

ASSETS Guidebook: Assessment of Emergency and Transition Situations

This manual is intended to provide a brief overview and introduction to ASSETS, a tool that has been designed by Mercy Corps to assist in conducting assessments. While originally developed for complex emergency situations, many of the manual’s components are relevant and applicable to non-emergency settings. This guide is divided into three sections:...

Published in 2006, by Mercy Corps, Health Alliance International

Évaluation des besoins d'urgence

Dans les situations d'urgence, le PAM est responsable de déterminer si une aide extérieure est nécessaire pour faire face aux besoins alimentaires immédiats et si l'aide alimentaire constitue la forme appropriée d'assistance. Le PAM et ses partenaires déterminent en outre quelles autres interventions s'imposent pour promouvoir les objectifs de la...

Published in 2004, by PAM - WFP

Barrier Analysis Facilitator’s Guide: A Tool for Improving Behaviour Change Communication in Child Survival and Community Development Programs

Barrier Analysis is a rapid assessment tool used in community health and other community development projects to identify behavioral determinants associated with a particular behavior. These behavioral determinants are identified so that more effective behavior change communication messages, strategies and supporting activities (e.g., creating support...

Published in 2004, by Davis Jr., , Thomas P

Cash transfer programming in emergencies

Guidelines based upon Oxfam experiences for field staff.

Published in 2010, by Pantaleo Creti, Susanne Jaspars

Cash Workbook: A practical user’s guide for the preparation and implementation of Cash Projects

Guidelines on preparing for cash projects for field staff

Published in 2010, by Egon Rauch, Helmut Scheuer

Chad – a country in crisis

This evaluation reviewes progress and performance of the humanitarian response, and its interface with the existing Chad health system. It also examines the health effects and implications of cross-border population movements, and health service accessibility for both refugees and the host population.

Published in 2007, by Nigel Pearson

Chapter 20: Global climate change

In: The Comparative quantification of health risks -book.

Published in 2004, by Anthony J. McMichael et al.

Climate Change and Human Health: Risks and responses

This book seeks to describe the context and process of global climate change, its actual or likely impacts on health, and how human societies and their governments should respond with particular focus on the health sector.

Published in 2003, by WHO

Climate Change: Quantifying the health impact at national and local levels

Environmental burden of disease series, No. 14

Published in 2007, by Diarmid Campbell-Lendrum, Rosalie Woodruff

Commodity Distribution: A practical guide for field staff

This guide outlines procedures to assist UNHCR Field staff and operational partners in the design and implementation of systems for commodity distribution. Needs assessment, the planning of rations and the management of the logistics chain, up to the distribution site, are not covered.

Published in 1997, by UNHCR

Communicable disease control in emergencies: A field manual

A manual, including the prevention, surveillance, and outbreak control of communicable diseases. Chapters on rapid assessment, prevention, surveillance, oubreak control and disease prevention and control.

Published in 2005, by WHO

Concerning Accountability in Humanitarian Action

This paper asks whether initiatives designed to improve accountability really are the solution to the problems humanitarianism faces today. It does not aim to dismiss accountability; rather, it seeks to show that accountability is a procedural phenomenon, not a moral one. Imposing it in the absence of a more specific understanding of what it means is...

Published in 2007, by Austen Davis, ODI

Draft Statement on the Use of the WHO 2006 Growth Standards in Emergency Nutrition Programmes

Draft statement issued on behalf of all the agencies (United Nations and non-governmental) who are members of the working group.

Published in 2007, by SCN Working Group on Nutrition in Emergencies

EAPRO Training for Improved Practice: Public Health and Nutrition in Emergencies

Practical training package for 10 days designed for UNICEF staff covering and public health and nutrition aspects of emergencies from assessment to design and monitoring programmes. 1. Welcome and Introductions 2. Policies, Practices and Decision Making 3. Basic Concepts 4. Rapid Assessments in Emergencies 5. Survey Methodology 6. Survey...

Published in 2003, by Tufts University, CDC/Columbia University for UNICEF

EFSA Distance Learning material

Two versions are available; one for experienced practitioners and the other for relative novices. The training package is an interactive package with many exercises and case studies to work through. Suitable for field staff

Published in 2007, by WFP

Emergency Field Handbook: A Guide for UNICEF Staff

This handbook has been developed as a practical tool for UNICEF field staff to meet the needs of children and women affected by disasters. It is the result of extensive consultation.

Published in 2005, by UNICEF

Emergency Food Security Assessment Handbook, Second Edition

This Handbook is intended for use when an Emergency Food Security Assessment (EFSA) is conducted in emergency situations or protracted crises, whether due to sudden natural disasters, disease, economic collapses or conflicts. An EFSA covers the geographic areas affected and determines the impact on households and their livelihoods.

Published in 2009, by WFP

Emergency Needs Assessment

In emergency situations, WFP is responsible for determining whether external assistance is required to meet immediate food needs and whether food aid is the appropriate form of assistance. WFP and its partners also assess what other interventions are needed to promote food-security objectives. It is difficult to obtain precise estimates of emergency needs in...

Published in 2004, by WFP

Emergency Nutrition Assessment Guidelines for field workers

MANUAL intended to provide straightforward and comprehensive guidance to nutritionists and other fieldworkers responsible for assessments in emergency settings. It is divided into 6 parts including a how to assess the causes of malnutrition and how to interpret assessment data alongside mortality and malnutrition information. The appendices include...

Published in 2004, by Save the Children UK

Environmental health in emergencies and disasters

This practical guide deals not only with emergency response, but also with measures designed to reduce the impact of disasters on environmental health infrastructure, such as water supply and sanitation facilities. It also aims to strengthen the ability of people to withstand the disruption of their accustomed infrastructure and systems for environmental...

Published in 2002, by IFRC, ISDR, UNHCR, WHO

Evaluaciones de las necesidades de urgencia

En las situaciones de urgencia, el PMA tiene la responsabilidad de determinar si es necesario proporcionar asistencia externa para satisfacer las necesidades alimentarias inmediatas y si la ayuda alimentaria es la forma adecuada de asistencia. El PMA y sus asociados evalúan también qué otras intervenciones son necesarias para favorecer la consecución de...

Published in 2004, by PAM - WFP

Field Guide on Rapid Nutritional Assessment in Emergencies

Field Guide on Rapid Nutritional Assessment in Emergencies to guide the user through the entire process of designing, planning, implementing and reporting reliable nutrition assessment. Chapter 1: Introduction Chapter 2: Planning the survey Chapter 3: Selecting the survey subjects Chapter 4: Selecting the sample Chapter 5: Survey methodology ...

Published in 1995, by WHO Regional Office for the Eastern Mediterranean

Food and Nutrition Handbook

This handbook is aimed at WFP staff at all levels who are involved with the delivery of food assistance to WFP beneficiaries. It should serve as both a reference and training manual, providing the staff with - better understanding of food an nutrition issues as they relate to WFP - a practical tool to tackle a number of basic nutrition related tasks,...

Published in 2005, by WFP

Food and Nutrition Needs in Emergencies

UNHCR, UNICEF, WFP and WHO have jointly developed these guidelines as a practical tool for assessing, estimating and monitoring the food and nutrition needs of populations in emergencies.

Published in 2003, by UNHCR, UNICEF, WFP, WHO

Food Scarcity and Famine. Assessment and response

A detailed guide to the accurate assessment of the nutritional needs of populations suffering from the effects of food scarcity and famine.

Published in 1992, by Helen Young

Food security and livelihood assessments

This book is intended to provide practical guidance to ACF field workers on how to implement a Food Security and Livelihoods (FSL) assessment.

Published in 2010, by ACF

Food Security Assessment Guidelines

This document is intended to provide practical guidance to Oxfam staff on how to carry out food security assessments in emergencies. It is expected to be of most use to Food and Nutrition technical staff deployed from Oxfam’s Humanitarian Department in Oxford and Oxfam Regional Management Centres (Humanitarian Support Personnel, Consultants, Public Health...

Published in 2006, by OXFAM GB

Food security assessments in emergencies: A livelihoods Approach

Framework and concepts for food security assessment based on livelihoods approach. Detailed case studies of implementation. For managers and field staff.

Published in 2000, by Helen Young, Susanne Jaspars, Rebecca Brown, Jackie Frize, Hisham Khogali

Food Security Information Systems and Networks

E-learning course designed as a distance learning course to support capacity building and training for national local nutrition and food security information systems and network. This course introduces and provides guidance in assessing different kinds of information systems related to food security analysis.

Published in 2007, by EC/FAO

Gender Handbook in Humanitarian Action

This Handbook sets forth standards for the integration of gender issues from the outset of a new complex emergency or disaster, so that humanitarian services provided neither exacerbate nor inadvertently put people at risk; reach their target audience; and have maximum positive impact. The target audience for this Handbook is field practitioners...

Published in 2006, by Inter-Agency Standing Committee

Guidelines for Addressing HIV in Humanitarian Settings

These Guidelines for Addressing HIV in Humanitarian Settings aim to assist humanitarian and AIDS organizations to plan the delivery of a minimum set of HIV prevention, treatment, care and support services to people affected by humanitarian crises.

Published in 2009, by Inter-Agency Standing Committee

Guidelines for Assessment in Emergencies

These guidelines are to be used by members of the Red Cross movement and generalists with no technical knowledge. The guidelines provide advice on the organisation of emergency assessments. IFRC uses the Vulnerability and Capacity Assessment (VCA) framework.

Published in 2008, by International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, ICRC

Guidelines for emergency assessment

This is a guide for generalists and members of the Red Cross Movement, to advise on assessments. Chapters on concepts, planning an assessment, office-based tasks, fieldwork, analysis and reporting.

Published in 2005, by IFRC

Guidelines for estimating: Food and nutritional needs in emergencies

These guidelines describe the rationale for increasing the ration from 1900 kcals to 2100 kcals and describes the factors to consider when planning a ration.

Published in 1997, by WFP/UNCHR

Guidelines for selective feeding programmes in emergency situations

Theory of ESFPs covering design, implementation, feeding and medical protocols, monitoring and evaluation. Includes key tables, e.g., for ration calculations, admissions and discharge, reporting and monitoring. For managers, health and nutrition workers.

Published in 1999, by UNHCR/WFP

Guidelines for the management of the severely malnourished

Standard field guidelines with extensive information on the standard protocols and treatment of complications. Suitable for managers and health workers

Published in 2006, by Michael Golden, Yvonne Grellety

Guidelines on Gender-Based Violence Interventions in Humanitarian Settings

The primary purpose of these guidelines is to enable communities, governments and humanitarian organizations, including United Nations agencies, NGOs, and CBOs, to establish and coordinate a set of minimum multisectoral interventions to prevent and respond to sexual violence during the early phase of an emergency. The guidelines specifically detail minimum...

Published in 2005, by IASC

Handbook for defining and setting up a food security information and early warning system

This handbook describes the Food Security and Early Warning Information System (FSIEWS) method, seeking to enhance the ability of governmental and non-governmental actors to know who, where and why people are affected or threatened by food insecurity. The handbook is addressed to national technical managers, central and decentralized, as well as to their...

Published in 2001, by FAO

Househols Dietary Diversity Score (HDDS) for Measurement of Household Food Access

This guide provides guidance on the specific data collection needs for the Household Dietary Diversity Score (HDDS) indicator. It assumes that these questions will be part of a population-based survey instrument and will be applied to all the households in the sample. The HDDS is used as a proxy measure of the socio-economic level of the household.

Published in 2006, by FANTA

How to Conduct a Food Security Assessment: A Step-by-Step Guide for National Societies in Africa

This guide should be used as a practical tool to undertake an initial food security assessment. It goes through the different stages of a food security assessment, and provides techniques and examples of how to perform a food security assessment. The guide can be used both in rural or urban settings.

Published in 2006, by IFRC

Humanitarian Charter and Minimum Standards in Disaster Response

A handbook and set of training materials which is an output of the Sphere Project, (an inter-agency project) with the aim of improving quality and accountability of humanitarian assistance. It contains the Humanitarian charter, and 5 technical chapters – each with standards, indicators and guidance notes.

Published in 2011, by The Sphere Project

Humanitarian oasis in a parched health sector: Refugees and host populations in eastern and southern Chad

The purpose of the evaluation is to assess the collective humanitarian response to the ongoing humanitarian situation in Chad, and to assist health actors (the Chad Ministry of Health [MoH], UN agencies, the NGO community and donors) to respond to meet the ongoing needs of refugee and host populations in eastern and southern Chad.

Published in 2006, by Dr Markus Michael, Dr Nigel Pearson, Adoum Daliam

Impact measurement and Accountability in Emergencies, the Good Enough Guide

This guide is to assist with the basic elements of accountability and impact measurements. It is an output of the Emergency Capacity Building Project, which is inter-agency and has the aim of addressing the gaps in international emergency response.

Published in 2010, by Oxfam

Improving Nutrition Programmes an Assessment Tool for Action

ASSESSMENT TOOL aimed at strengthening community-based food and nutrition programmes at country level increasing the ability to address the causes of malnutrition. It sets out a methodology in four sections covering programme design, the macroenvironment, the microenvironment, and sustainability. The Assessment Tool is used for making suggestions for action...

Published in 2005, by FAO

Infant and Young Child Feeding in Emergencies: Operational Guidance for Emergency Relief Staff and Programme Managers

Operational guidance intended for emergency relief staff and programme managers of all agencies working in emergency programmes, including national governments, UN agencies, NGOs and donors. It applies to emergency situations in all countries, and extends to non-emergency situations.

Published in 2007, by Emergency Nutrition Network

Infant Feeding in Emergencies Module 2 Version 1.1

Module 2 aims to provide health and nutrition workers with the basic knowledge and skills to help both breastfeeding and artificially feeding women. The first task is to support breastfeeding women, so that they do not lose confidence and introduce artificial feeds unnecessarily. The next task is to identify and help women who have feeding difficulties. The...

Published in 2007, by ENN, IBFAN-GIFA, Fondation Terre des hommes, Action Contre la Faim, CARE USA, LINKAGES, UNICEF, UNHCR, WHO

Initial Rapid Assessment (IRA) Toolkit

An assessment tool that is being developed to be used in rapid onset emergencies in the first 72 hours.

Published in 2007, by IASC

Integrated management of childhood illness – Model chapter for text books

A clear technical guide for teaching of health workers, using a syndromic approach, e.g., it gives guidance on how to manage a child with fever or diarrhoea, including how to manage the complications of measles or pneumonia, and how to manage these disease at home, in a health centre and in a hospital.

Published in 2001, by WHO/UNICEF

Inter-Agency Contingency Planning Guidelines for Humanitarian Assistance

The overall objective of these guidelines (46 pages) is to enhance humanitarian response capacity, predictability, accountability and partnership in order to reach more people with comprehensive, appropriate, needs-based relief and protection in a more effective and timely manner.

Published in 2007, by IASC

Joint Assessment Guidelines (with tools and resources)

Manual and training guide to food security and nutrition assessment.

Published in 2004, by UNHCR, WFP

Joint evaluation of the international response to the Indian Ocean tsunami: Synthesis report

The TEC's Synthesis Report represents the culmination of over a year's work by TEC member agencies. It examines the successes and failures as well as the constraints within which the response occurred between the first 8 and 11 months of the response. It does this by distilling the findings and learning from over 140 additional reports, including many TEC...

Published in 2006, by John Telford, John Cosgrave , Rachel Houghton

Livelihoods Assessments and Analysis

E-learning course designed as a distance learning course to support capacity building and training for national local nutrition and food security information systems and networkThis course introduces the concept of livelihoods and the components of the livelihoods framework. It also provides guidance on assessing livelihoods in different food security...

Published in 2007, by EC/FAO

Livestock Emergency Guidelines and Standards

Livestock Emergency Guidelines and Standards (LEGS) are a set of international guidelines and standards for the design, implementation and assessment of livestock interventions to assist people affected by humanitarian crisis. They are based on livelihood objectives that aim to provide rapid assistance to protect and rebuild the livestock assest of...

Published in 2009, by Livestock Emergency Guidelines and Standards Project

Micro-level Practices to Adapt to Climate Change for African Small-scale Farmers

This paper discusses micro-level practices for adapting to climate change that are available to small-scale farmers in Africa. The analysis is based on a review of 17 studies about practices that boost small-scale farmers’ resilience or reduce their vulnerability to observed or expected changes in climate; it includes data from more than 16 countries in...

Published in 2010, by Till Below, Astrid Artner, Rosemarie Siebert, Stefan Sieber

National training programmes on treatment of severe malnutrition

National programmes supported by WHO. Good examples for trainers.

Published in 2010, by WHO

NUTRITION - A Guide to Data Collection, Analysis, Interpretation and Use

Manual aimed at mid-level managers in all sectors who would like to better understand nutrition information and its use. The manual sets out all the steps involved in nutrition data collection and analysis including practical guidance for use by survey enumerators, health facility workers and other field workers. Additional materials have also been prepared...

Published in 2005, by FSAU, FAO

Nutrition Information in Crisis Situations - Report Number 01

The UN Standing Committee on Nutrition issues these Reports on Nutrition Information in Crisis Situations with the intention of raising awareness and facilitating action. The Reports are designed to provide information over time on key outcome indicators from emergency- affected populations, play an advocacy role in bringing the plight of emergency affected...

Published in 2004, by UN Standing Committee on Nutrition

Nutrition Information in Crisis Situations - Report Number 05

The UN Standing Committee on Nutrition issues these Reports on Nutrition Information in Crisis Situations with the intention of raising awareness and facilitating action. The Reports are designed to provide information over time on key outcome indicators from emergency- affected populations, play an advocacy role in bringing the plight of emergency affected...

Published in 2005, by UN Standing Committee on Nutrition

Nutrition Policy Discussion Paper No 07 - Appropriate Uses of Anthropometric Indices in Children

The use of anthropometry has increased rapidly in recent years. With this wider use, it has become even more important that the interpretation of results, for the individual and for populations, should be correct and well understood. I requested the Advisory Group on Nutrition at its first meeting in 1988 to help to define the issues. This led to the AGN...

Published in 1990, by UN Standing Committee on Nutrition

Out with the old? In with the new? Implications of the new WHO 2006 Child Growth Standards

Presentation of how the growth standards published by WHO will affect assessment (individual and population).

Published in 2006, by Alison Tumilowicz, Megan Deitchler

Oxfam's Approach to Nutrition Surveys in Emergencies

FIELD GUIDE on conducting nutrition surveys including anthropometry, the causes of malnutrition and report writing. Chapter 1: Introduction Chapter 2: Why conduct a nutrition survey Chapter 3: A public nutrition approach Chapter 4: The causes of malnutrition Chapter 5: What to assess Chapter 6: Nutritional survey methods Chapter 7: Analysis ...

Published in 2001, by Oxfam

Protocol for the management of Severe Acute Malnutrition

With training materials and a summary wall chart. National guidelines based in recent standard protocols. Suitable for managers and health workers.

Published in 2007, by Ethiopia Federal Ministry of Health

Public Health Guide for Emergencies

Building emergency relief skills requires not only technical health training but also education in emergency preparedness and response. This guide is designed to serve as a reference for such training.

Published in 2008, by John Hopkins School of Hygiene and Public Health , IFRC

Quality and Accountability Initiative: Questions and answers

During the past decade the humanitarian community has initiated a number of inter-agency initiatives to improve accountability, quality and performance in humanitarian action. Four of the most widely known initiatives are the Active Learning Network for Accountability and Performance in Humanitarian Action (ALNAP) , Humanitarian Accountability Partnership...

Published in 2006, by SPHERE, ALNAP, HAP, People in Aid

Rapid health assessment of refugee or displaced populations

A manual describing the focus of a rapid health assessment, adequate methods for correctly carrying out rapid health assessments, with practical tools and support for analysis and interpretation of the results of a rapid health assessment. It is aimed at practitioners.

Published in 2006, by Evelyn Depoortere, Vincent Brown

Rapid health assessment protocols for emergencies

A manual or rapid health assessment protocols, including epidemics and outbreaks of diarrhoeal diseases.

Published in 1999, by WHO

Refugee Health: An approach to emergency situations

A manual on emergency health care. It deals with refugees and internally displaced persons, and what a health agency can do to relieve their plight. It focuses on policies rather than on practical aspects, and is meant to act as a guide to decision-makers.

Published in 1997, by Medecins Sans Frontieres

SCN News No 05 - Nutrition and School Performance

The education of children all over the world is being held back by malnutrition. In humanitarian terms, it makes no sense that the children who manage to get to school cannot benefit fully from their education, because they are already malnourished, because they are currently hungry, or because of infection. Nearly 90% of the world's school children will be...

Published in 1990, by UN Standing Committee on Nutrition

SCN News No 15 - Effective Programmes in Africa for Improving Nutrition

This SCN News presents an overview of the Symposium 'Effective Programmes in Africa for Improving Nutrition, including Household Food Security' which was held at the SCN's 23rd Session in Accra, Ghana in February 1996.

Published in 1997, by UN Standing Committee on Nutrition

SCN News No 38: Climate Change: food and nutrition security implications

This edition of the SCN News is rightfully dedicated to climate change and its implications on food and nutrition. It is hoped to be thought provoking, showing you how climate change impacts on nutrition. The topic has been approached from very different angles: impacts on food security (in general, in the Asia-Pacific region and sub-Saharan Africa),...

Published in 2010, by SCN

The Code of Conduct

The Code of Conduct for The International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement and NGOs in Disaster Relief, was developed and agreed upon by eight of the world's largest disaster response agencies in the summer of 1994. The Code of Conduct, like most professional codes, is a voluntary one. It lays down ten points of principle which all humanitarian actors...

Published in 1994, by IFRC/ICRC

The environmental food crisis – The environment’s role in averting future food crises

A new rapid response assessment report released by UNEP warns that up to 25% of the world's food production may become lost due to environmental breakdown by 2050 unless action is taken. The report provides the first summary by the UN of how climate change, water stress, invasive pests and land degradation may impact world food security, food prices and life...

Published in 2009, by Christian Nellemann, Monika MacDevette, Ton Manders, Bas Eickhout, Birger Svihus, Anne Gerdien Prins, Bjørn P. Kaltenborn

The Impact of Natural Disasters on Children Morbidity in Rural Mexico

Human Development Report 2007/2008 Fighting climate change: Human solidarity in a divided world. OCCASIONAL PAPER

Published in 2007, by Alejandro de la Fuente, Ricardo Fuentes

The practitioners Guide to the Household Economy Approach

A teaching manual describing the components of the Household Economy Approach and the practical techniques needed to use them.

Published in 2008, by SCUK

The Sphere Project Evaluation Report

This evaluation documents the achievements of the Sphere Project, the important ways in which it has made strides towards the achievement of its stated objectives, and the areas in which it might focus its future efforts as it continues to mature.

Published in 2004, by Marci Van Dyke, Ronald Waldman

The SPHERE Project Handbook: Humanitarian Charter and Minimum Standards in Disaster Response

The SPHERE Project aims to improve the quality of assistance provided to people affected by disasters, and to enhance the accountability of the humanitarian system in disaster response. The new edition of the handbook (2004) has been thoroughly revised and updated, taking into account recent developments in humanitarian practice in wat/san, food, shelter...

Published in 2004, by SPHERE

The use of nutrition indicators in surveillance systems, Technical Paper No. 2

The aim of this paper is to improve understanding of the use of nutritional indicators in surveillance systems that feed into Food Insecurity and Vulnerability Information Mapping Systems (FIVIMS) both at global and at national level1. The focus is on nutritional indicators (i.e. anthropometry and indicators of micronutrient status) rather than the total...

Published in 2001, by Jeremy Shoham, Fiona Watson, Carmel Dolan

Thematic Guidelines, Nutrition and Health; Guidelines for the use of Nutritional Information in VAM

Guidelines developed for VAM staff on how to collect and interpret nutrition information. Useful for staff unfamiliar with nutrition indicators and includes how to assess nutrition status and the importance of indicators in understanding the food security situation of a population, but does not describe in detail how to conduct a nutrition survey. Gives...

Published in 2006, by Eric Kenefick, WFP

Training course on Child Growth Assessment

This course has been designed for health care providers who measure and assess the growth of children or supervise these activities. It teaches the skills and knowledge needed to measure the weight and length/height of children; plot and interpret growth measurements; and counsel mothers about growth and feeding. Course participants may include...

Published in 2006, by WHO

Users’ Training Manual: Improving Nutrition Programmes - An assessment Tool for Action

TRAINING MANUAL developed to enhance the capacity of the members of assessment teams to conduct nutrition programme assessments, founded on a common understanding of concepts which underpin effective and sustainable community-based nutrition programmes. The manual is divided into six topics, to be taught over 3 to 5 days. The package can be adapted to...

Published in 2004, by FAO, University of Western Cape