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Emergency Field Handbook: A Guide for UNICEF Staff


Published in : 2005

Available in : English

This handbook has been developed as a practical tool for UNICEF field staff to meet the needs of children and women affected by disasters. It is the result of extensive consultation.

Documents :
English (PDF, 3.91Mb)
French (PDF, 2.45Mb)
Spanish (PDF, 2.45Mb)

Originally posted at : UNICEF

This resource is listed under:

Themes : Emergency, general, Interventions, general, Nutrition and human rights, general, Nutrition training and capacity development, general, Undernutrition, general, Vulnerable groups, general, Assessments and Monitoring, Civil and political rights, Economic, social, and cultural rights, Food Aid, Food Aid, Health Interventions , HTP module 02, HTP module 07, HTP module 18, HTP module 20, Humanitarian Standards, Rapid Assessments, Right to care, Right to food, Right to health, Right to water, Rights of the child

Resource types : Field guide, Normative guidance: Norms, standards, policies, Operational guidance: Programme and implementation