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Field Guide on Rapid Nutritional Assessment in Emergencies

WHO Regional Office for the Eastern Mediterranean

Published in : 1995

Available in : English

Field Guide on Rapid Nutritional Assessment in Emergencies to guide the user through the entire process of designing, planning, implementing and reporting reliable nutrition assessment.
Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Planning the survey
Chapter 3: Selecting the survey subjects
Chapter 4: Selecting the sample
Chapter 5: Survey methodology
Chapter 6: Data recording
Chapter 7: Training and supervision
Chapter 8: Data analysis
Chapter 9: Interpreting results and reporting findings

Documents :
Field Guide on Rapid Nutritional Assessment in Emergencies (PDF, 2.82Mb)

This resource is listed under:

Themes : Emergency, general, Nutrition assessments and M&E, general, Assessments and Monitoring, HTP module 07, Rapid Assessments

Resource types : Field guide

Working groups : Nutrition in Emergencies