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Environmental health in emergencies and disasters


Published in : 2002

Available in : English

This practical guide deals not only with emergency response, but also with measures designed to reduce the impact of disasters on environmental health infrastructure, such as water supply and sanitation facilities. It also aims to strengthen the ability of people to withstand the disruption of their accustomed infrastructure and systems for environmental health (e.g. shelter, water supply, sanitation, vector control etc.) and to recover rapidly.

Documents :
English (PDF, 3.72Mb)
Arabic (PDF, 3.66Mb)

Originally posted at : WHO - Publications

This resource is listed under:

Themes : Emergency, general, Interventions, general, Nutrition planning, policy and programme, general, Assessments and Monitoring, Early warning, Food Security and Livelihoods , Health Interventions , HTP module 08, Multi-sectoral, Rapid Assessments

Resource types : Field guide, Guidelines, Operational guidance: Programme and implementation