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Life-cycle focus: Pre-school age

A Cost Analysis of the Honduras Community-Based Integrated Child Care Program

The Honduras AIN-C Program is a preventive health and nutrition program of the Honduras Ministry of Health that relies on volunteers to help mothers and communities pro-actively monitor and maintain the adequate growth of young children. A 2000 experimental-design based evaluation found that the program achieved near-universal coverage and was effective in...

Published in 2003, by World Bank

Convention on the Rights of the Child

This convention bans discrimination against children and provides for special protection and rights appropriate to minors. The preamble recalls the basic principles of the United Nations and specific provisions of certain relevant human rights treaties and proclamations. It reaffirms the fact that children, because of their vulnerability, need special care...

Published in 1989, by UN

Core Commitments for Children in Emergencies

UNICEF’s Core Commitments for Children in Emergencies, build on UNICEF’s experience in recent crises and outlines UNICEF’s initial response in protecting and caring for children and women. It states UNICEF’s core response at all levels of the organization.

Published in 2010, by UNICEF

Draft Statement on the Use of the WHO 2006 Growth Standards in Emergency Nutrition Programmes

Draft statement issued on behalf of all the agencies (United Nations and non-governmental) who are members of the working group.

Published in 2007, by SCN Working Group on Nutrition in Emergencies

Early childhood health, nutrition and education

Extensive research has been conducted on the educational effects of early childhood health and nutrition interventions. The breadth and depth of this research allows for a number of general conclusion to be drawn: -Early childhood health and nutrition interventions have a consistently large impact on cognitive development -Health and nutrition...

Published in 2006, by UNESCO

Examining Early Child Development in Low-Income Countries: A Toolkit for the Assessment of Children in the First Five Years of Life

The toolkit aims to: (i) provide an overview of issues affecting early development and its measurement; (ii) discuss the types of tests typically used with children under five years; (iii) provide guidelines for selecting and adapting tests for use in developing countries, and (iv) make recommendations for planning successful assessment strategies.

Published in 2009, by World Bank

Fifth Report on the World Nutrition Situation

The 5th Report continues the tradition of reporting on trends in nutrition throughout the life cycle and of challenging the nutrition community. But instead of asking the question: how is nutrition affected by global changes? the 5th Report asks the question more proactively: how can a nutrition perspective accelerate the attainment of a comprehensive set of...

Published in 2004, by UN Standing Committee on Nutrition

Fighting Malnutrition

Alan Jackson explains how nuclear technologies are helping scientists to understand, treat and prevent malnutrition wherever this scourge might be afflicting children. Published in IAEA Bulletin, Volume 50, No.2

Published in 2009, by Louise Potterton, IAEA

First Report on the World Nutrition Situation

The overall objectives of the report are to provide an agreed basis for raising awareness of malnutrition - its extent, severity and trends - to advocate that increased attention be given to preventing this extensive and serious human problem. The report, through the indicators and their interpretation, should demonstrate the inter-sectoral nature of the...

Published in 1987, by UN Standing Committee on Nutrition

Food and nutrition

This chapter, presents the problems of undernutrition and overnutrition that affect infants and young children under the age of 2 years, manifesting as stunting and anemia. Article published in the publication Health in the Americas, PAHO, 2002.

Published in 2002, by PAHO

Food Security and Nutrition: Meeting the Needs of Orphans and Other Children Affected by HIV and AIDS in AFRICA

This research was undertaken in an effort to understand the complex issues of food security and nutrition faced by Africa’s orphans and other children affected by HIV and AIDS, their families and communities, and to present a synopsis of where we stand today on programmatic issues including targeting, effective programming and monitoring and evaluation (M&E).

Published in 2007, by Kara Greenblott, Kate Greenaway

Fourth Report on the World Nutrition Situation Nutrition throughout the Life Cycle

The Fourth Report on the World Nutrition Situation is part of a series of ACC/SCN reports initiated in the mid-1980s on the nutritional status of populations in developing countries. While earlier reports have focused on regional trends in preschool undernutrition, this report is built around the theme nutrition throughout the life cycle. This change was...

Published in 2000, by UN Standing Committee on Nutrition

Guidelines for the inpatient treatment of severely malnourished children

GUIDELINES with specific instructions for the treatment of severely malnourished children. The aim is to provide practical help for those responsible for the medical and dietary management of such children. Lack of appropriate care leads to diarrhoea, poor appetite, slow recovery and high mortality. There are five sections: A. General principles for...

Published in 2003, by WHO, LSHTM

Guiding Principles for Feeding Infants and Young Children during Emergencies

The guiding principles that follow have been prepared to help prevent increased morbidity and mortality; they serve as a basis for action and are intended: —to clarify that optimal practices for feeding infants and young children during emergencies are essentially the same as those that apply in other, more stable conditions; —to inform...

Published in 2004, by WHO

India's Undernourished Children: A Call For Reform & Action

The World Bank has supported efforts to improve nutrition in India since 1980 with mixed results. This report aims at helping those who have to make difficult policy decisions, by providing information on the characteristics of child malnutrition across regions and over time and on the effectiveness of the ICDS program in addressing the causes and symptoms...

Published in 2005, by World Bank

Infant and Young Child Feeding in Emergencies - a Joint Statement - Haiti

A call for support for appropriate infant and young child feeding and caution about unnecessary and potentially harmful donations and use of breast-milk substitutes. Statement given shortly after the 2010 earthquake in Haiti.

Published in 2010, by WHO, UNICEF, WFP

Infant Feeding in Emergencies - policy, strategy and practice

A report of the main outputs of an ad-hoc group meeting held in the United Kingdom. While much of the material has been updated in more recent publications, it is still a good background document and has a lot of useful material including the ‘Triage for Decision Making’ that many people find useful.

Published in 1999, by Infant Feeding in Emergencies Group

Innocenti Declaration 2005 on Infant and Young Child Feeding

A call for action following 15 years since the Innocenti Declaration on the Protection, Promotion and Support of Breastfeeding and the 2002 Global Strategy for Infant and Young Child Feeding and in order to meet the Millennium Development Goals by 2015. It calls on governments, manufacturers, NGOs, multilateral and bilateral organizations and financial...

Published in 2005, by UNICEF

Insight: Why stunting matters

This technical brief discusses the negative effects of stunting and the steps we can take to prevent them. It is the second in a series of technical briefs that address the continuum of care for good infant and young child feeding, from initiation of early and exclusive breastfeeding through complementary feeding in later infancy and the second year of life....

Published in 2010, by Alive & Thrive

Iron supplementation of young children in regions where malaria transmission is intense and infectious disease highly prevalent

Following the publication of two studies evaluating the impact of iron and zinc supplementation on childhood mortality and severe morbidity in Nepal and Zanzibar, WHO and UNICEF published a Joint Statement to emphasize the fact that iron and folic acid supplementation should be targeted only to those children who are anaemic and at risk of iron deficiency....

Published in 2006, by WHO

La Situation des enfants dans le monde, numéro spécial : célébrer les 20 ans de la Convention relative aux droits de l'enfant

Pour commémorer le 20e anniversaire de la Convention relative aux droits de l'enfant le 20 novembre 2009, l'UNICEF consacre un numéro spécial de La Situation des enfants dans le monde, le fleuron de ses publications, aux droits de l'enfant. Le rapport évalue l'impact de la Convention sur le bien-être des enfants et le développement humain au cours des...

Published in 2009, by UNICEF

Legacy of disasters: The impact of climate change on children

The evidence is clear: global warming is a fact, and it will have a dramatic impact on humankind. The likely effects of this warming – increasingly frequent and severe natural disasters, temperature extremes, a global rise in the sea levels – will be unevenly felt and will hit children in developing countries hardest of all. Yet despite political...

Published in 2007, by Save the Children

Les premières années: Les clés de la nutrition et de la santé infantiles

Le présent aperçu met en lumière certaines activités dans lesquelles on utilise des isotopes stables, comme la mesure de l’absorption du lait maternel par les nourrissons, de la masse maigre (masse musculaire) des mères allaitantes et de la biodisponibilité du fer chez les nourrissons et les jeunes enfants. Publié dans IAEA bulletin Volume 47, No.1

Published in 2005, by Lena Davidsson, AIEA - IAEA

Linkages between nutrition, ill-health and education

This paper reviews the linkages between child health, particularly nutritional status, and education.

Published in 2008, by Devi Sridhar

Los primeros años: Claves para la nutrición y la salud infantiles

En esta breve reseña se destacan actividades seleccionadas en la esfera de la nutrición infantil en las que se han utilizado técnicas de isótopos estables. Se incluyen proyectos para medir la ingestión de leche por los niños amamantados, la masa corporal delgada (masa muscular) de las madres lactantes y la biodisponibilidad de hierro en los lactantes y...

Published in 2005, by Lena Davidsson, OIEA - IAEA

Management of the Child with a Serious Infection or Severe Malnutrition

A MANUAL for use by doctors, senior nurses and other senior health workers who are responsible for the care of young children at the first referral level in developing countries. It presents up-to-date clinical guidelines, prepared by experts, for both inpatient and outpatient care in small hospitals where basic laboratory facilities and essential drugs and...

Published in 2000, by WHO

Nutrition Information in Crisis Situations - Report Number 16

The UN Standing Committee on Nutrition issues these Reports on Nutrition Information in Crisis Situations with the intention of raising awareness and facilitating action. The Reports are designed to provide information over time on key outcome indicators from emergency- affected populations, play an advocacy role in bringing the plight of emergency affected...

Published in 2008, by UN Standing Committee on Nutrition

Nutrition Policy Discussion Paper No 01 - Nutrition Education: A State-of-the-art Review

How well or poorly does nutrition education work? Does it deal better with some nutrition problems than with others? Do some kinds of nutrition education produce better results than other kinds? These are the sorts of questions addressed by Dr. Robert Hornik and a panel of distinguished discussants in the pages that follow. From their answers emerges a...

Published in 1985, by UN Standing Committee on Nutrition

Nutrition Policy Discussion Paper No 02 - Delivery of oral doses of vitamin A deficiency and nutritional blindness: A state-of-the-art review

The ACC/SCN State-of-the-Art Series aims to provide authoritative information to help policy-making and implementation of programmes to improve nutrition in the world. This document concerns prevention of vitamin A deficiency, which is the objective of a Ten-Year UN Programme, launched in 1985. It is a coordinated effort between UN and national governments,...

Published in 1987, by UN Standing Committee on Nutrition

Nutrition Policy Discussion Paper No 03 - The Prevention and Control of Iodine Deficiency Disorders

This paper is the third in the ACC/SCN's State-of-the-Art series. Like the two previous papers, on nutrition education and control of vitamin A deficiency, it provides information to assist decisions on policies and programmes to prevent widespread nutritional problems. Iodine deficiency is one of these, affecting some 200 million people. Yet science and...

Published in 1988, by UN Standing Committee on Nutrition

Nutrition Policy Discussion Paper No 04 - Women's Role in Food Chain Activities and the Implications for Nutrition

We hope that the wide-ranging information herein will further the crucially important cause of women, specifically in relation to nutrition, in several ways. First, women's central role in providing for adequate nutrition - of families, communities, and indeed nations - in being described here in detail should help to give increased prominence to the need...

Published in 1989, by UN Standing Committee on Nutrition

Nutrition Policy Discussion Paper No 05 - Malnutrition and Infection - A review

The combination of malnutrition and infection causes most of the preventable deaths in developing countries, certainly among young children. Malnutrition increases the risk and worsens the course of infectious disease; and infection leads to malnutrition. Thus we have used the expression “malnutrition-infection complex”. Good nutrition undoubtedly is a...

Published in 1989, by UN Standing Committee on Nutrition

Nutrition Policy Discussion Paper No 06 - Women and Nutrition

Women, throughout most of the world, have the major responsibility for their families' nutrition. Their own nutrition is often impaired, under the social and biological stresses they face. Developments that improve women's position in society are likely to improve nutrition overall, and are essential for this. Equally, any activities aimed at preventing...

Published in 1990, by UN Standing Committee on Nutrition

Nutrition Policy Discussion Paper No 07 - Appropriate Uses of Anthropometric Indices in Children

The use of anthropometry has increased rapidly in recent years. With this wider use, it has become even more important that the interpretation of results, for the individual and for populations, should be correct and well understood. I requested the Advisory Group on Nutrition at its first meeting in 1988 to help to define the issues. This led to the AGN...

Published in 1990, by UN Standing Committee on Nutrition

Nutrition Policy Discussion Paper No 08 - Managing Successful Nutrition Programmes

Because undernutrition and malnutrition are the result of different economic and social determinants, it is difficult in field studies - not being double blind, randomized and placebo controlled - to attribute significant outcomes to specific interventions. And yet the need for successful nutrition programmes is becoming more compelling. They are required by...

Published in 1991, by UN Standing Committee on Nutrition

Nutrition Policy Discussion Paper No 09 - Controlling Iron Deficiency

Iron deficiency anaemia is the most common nutritional disorder in the world, affecting particularly pregnant and lactating women and pre-school children. Supplementation with ferrous sulphate tablets (often including folic acid) is efficacious but problems exist with effectiveness of large scale programmes in developing countries. Nonetheless, improvement...

Published in 1991, by UN Standing Committee on Nutrition

Nutrition Policy Discussion Paper No 10 - Nutrition-relevant Actions

'Nutrition' has been used in the past to describe both an input (consumption of nutrients) as well as a set of outcomes. Some of the confusion about the scope of actions to improve nutrition may be cleared up by distinguishing causality and effect. Thus, if nutrition is to be seen as an input, then the focus will be primarily on food. If it is to be viewed...

Published in 1991, by UN Standing Committee on Nutrition

Nutrition Policy Discussion Paper No 12 - Nutritional Issues in Food Aid

In the past, critics of food aid have argued that it encourages dependency, both by undermining incentives to local food production as well as biasing tastes towards imported commodities. However, as we approach the mid-1990s, there is now a growing understanding that -- when managed appropriately - food aid can provide a positive boost to food security, at...

Published in 1993, by UN Standing Committee on Nutrition

Nutrition Policy Discussion Paper No 13 - Effectiveness of Vitamin A Supplementation in the Control of Young Child Morbidity and Mortality in Developing Countries

This report presents conclusive evidence that improving the vitamin A status of young children reduced mortality rates by about 23%. The evidence relates to population groups in which there was evidence that vitamin A deficiency was sufficiently prevalent and sufficiently severe to give rise to at least a low prevalence of clinical signs of deficiency.

Published in 1993, by UN Standing Committee on Nutrition

Nutrition Policy Discussion Paper No 14 - Controlling Vitamin A Deficiency

With the recent publication of "Effectiveness of Vitamin A Supplementation in the Control of Young Child Morbidity and Mortality in Developing Countries" as ACC/SCN Nutrition Policy Discussion Paper No. 13, we now know more about the type and degree of positive benefits of raising vitamin A status among deprived populations. After the findings of the...

Published in 1994, by UN Standing Committee on Nutrition

Nutrition Policy Discussion Paper No 16 - Nutrition and Poverty

This report presents a collection of papers discussed at the 24th Session of the United Nations Sub-Committee on Nutrition, held in March 1997 in Kathmandu. The Symposium presenters and discussants traced the origins of child malnutrition to low birth weight, maternal deprivation and discrimination against girls and women in South Asia. Malnutrition in the...

Published in 1997, by UN Standing Committee on Nutrition

Nutrition Policy Discussion Paper No 17 - Challenges for the 21st Century: A Gender Perspective on Nutrition through the Life Cycle

To accelerate progress in tackling malnutrition, adequate food, health, and care must be ensured throughout the lifecycle. Good nutrition during pregnancy reduces the likelihood of low birth weight and improves pregnancy outcomes. Promotion of growth and development in the young infant and child leads to a well-nourished school-aged child who can participate...

Published in 1998, by UN Standing Committee on Nutrition

Nutrition Policy Discussion Paper No 18 - Low Birthweight

This Nutrition Policy Paper was produced by the ACC/SCN in collaboration with the International Centre for Diarrhoeal Disease Research, Bangladesh: Centre for Health and Population Research. It summarizes the proceedings of the Low Birthweight Symposium and Workshop held in Dhaka in June 1999. Evidence regarding interventions to prevent low birthweight and...

Published in 2000, by UN Standing Committee on Nutrition

Nutrition Policy Discussion Paper No 20 - Nutrition and HIV/AIDS

This Nutrition Policy Paper is based on the ACC/SCN Symposium on Nutrition and HIV/AIDS held in Nairobi in April 2001. The objective of the symposium was, firstly, to stimulate collaboration between the nutrition and HIV/AIDS communities. The second objective was to examine a broad range of nutrition issues that have a direct bearing on policies and...

Published in 2001, by UN Standing Committee on Nutrition

Nutrition Policy Discussion Paper No 21 - Community-Based Management of Severe Malnutrition in Children

This special issue of the Food and Nutrition Bulletin reports on a WHO/UNICEF/Standing Committee on Nutrition (SCN) meeting on community-based management of severe malnutrition in children that took place in Geneva on November 21–23, 2005, and brought together some 50 international experts and representatives from the World Food Programme (WFP), the United...

Published in 2006, by UN Standing Committee on Nutrition

Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on the Involvement of Children in Armed Conflict

The protocol sets 18 as the minimum age for direct participation in hostilities, for recruitment into armed groups, and for compulsory recruitment by governments. States may accept volunteers from the age of 16 but must deposit a binding declaration at the time of ratification or accession, setting out their minimum voluntary recruitment age and outlining...

Published in 2000, by UN

REACH Acting at Scale Implementation Case Studies - Conditional Cash Transfers

The Acting at Scale series is a collection of information resources for nutrition practitioners and include an Intervention Guide and Implementation Case Studies for each of the 11 REACH-promoted interventions. These documents aim to provide highly condensed information and lessons learned for scaling up nutrition interventions to support field practitioners...

Published in 2008, by REACH

REACH Acting at Scale Implementation Case Studies - Deworming

The Acting at Scale series is a collection of information resources for nutrition practitioners and include an Intervention Guide and Implementation Case Studies for each of the 11 REACH-promoted interventions. These documents aim to provide highly condensed information and lessons learned for scaling up nutrition interventions to support field practitioners...

Published in 2009, by REACH

REACH Acting at Scale Implementation Case Studies - Handwashing with Soap

The Acting at Scale series is a collection of information resources for nutrition practitioners and include an Intervention Guide and Implementation Case Studies for each of the 11 REACH-promoted interventions. These documents aim to provide highly condensed information and lessons learned for scaling up nutrition interventions to support field practitioners...

Published in 2008, by REACH

REACH Acting at Scale Implementation Case Studies - Household Water Treatment

The Acting at Scale series is a collection of information resources for nutrition practitioners and include an Intervention Guide and Implementation Case Studies for each of the 11 REACH-promoted interventions. These documents aim to provide highly condensed information and lessons learned for scaling up nutrition interventions to support field practitioners...

Published in 2008, by REACH

REACH Acting at Scale Implementation Case Studies - Local Homestead Food Production

The Acting at Scale series is a collection of information resources for nutrition practitioners and include an Intervention Guide and Implementation Case Studies for each of the 11 REACH-promoted interventions. These documents aim to provide highly condensed information and lessons learned for scaling up nutrition interventions to support field practitioners...

Published in 2008, by REACH

REACH Acting at Scale Implementation Case Studies - Malaria Interventions

The Acting at Scale series is a collection of information resources for nutrition practitioners and include an Intervention Guide and Implementation Case Studies for each of the 11 REACH-promoted interventions. These documents aim to provide highly condensed information and lessons learned for scaling up nutrition interventions to support field practitioners...

Published in 2008, by REACH

REACH Acting at Scale Implementation Case Studies - Micronutrient Supplementation and Fortification

The Acting at Scale series is a collection of information resources for nutrition practitioners and include an Intervention Guide and Implementation Case Studies for each of the 11 REACH-promoted interventions. These documents aim to provide highly condensed information and lessons learned for scaling up nutrition interventions to support field practitioners...

Published in 2009, by REACH

REACH Acting at Scale Implementation Case Studies - Supplementary Feeding

The Acting at Scale series is a collection of information resources for nutrition practitioners and include an Intervention Guide and Implementation Case Studies for each of the 11 REACH-promoted interventions. These documents aim to provide highly condensed information and lessons learned for scaling up nutrition interventions to support field practitioners...

Published in 2009, by REACH

REACH Acting at Scale Implementation Case Studies - Therapeutic Feeding

The Acting at Scale series is a collection of information resources for nutrition practitioners and include an Intervention Guide and Implementation Case Studies for each of the 11 REACH-promoted interventions. These documents aim to provide highly condensed information and lessons learned for scaling up nutrition interventions to support field practitioners...

Published in 2008, by REACH

REACH Acting at Scale Intervention Guides - Conditional Cash Transfers

The Acting at Scale series is a collection of information resources for nutrition practitioners and include an Intervention Guide and Implementation Case Studies for each of the 11 REACH-promoted interventions. These documents aim to provide highly condensed information and lessons learned for scaling up nutrition interventions to support field practitioners...

Published in 2009, by REACH

REACH Acting at Scale Intervention Guides - Deworming

The Acting at Scale series is a collection of information resources for nutrition practitioners and include an Intervention Guide and Implementation Case Studies for each of the 11 REACH-promoted interventions. These documents aim to provide highly condensed information and lessons learned for scaling up nutrition interventions to support field practitioners...

Published in 2009, by REACH

REACH Acting at Scale Intervention Guides - Handwashing with Soap

The Acting at Scale series is a collection of information resources for nutrition practitioners and include an Intervention Guide and Implementation Case Studies for each of the 11 REACH-promoted interventions. These documents aim to provide highly condensed information and lessons learned for scaling up nutrition interventions to support field practitioners...

Published in 2008, by REACH

REACH Acting at Scale Intervention Guides - Malaria Interventions

The Acting at Scale series is a collection of information resources for nutrition practitioners and include an Intervention Guide and Implementation Case Studies for each of the 11 REACH-promoted interventions. These documents aim to provide highly condensed information and lessons learned for scaling up nutrition interventions to support field practitioners...

Published in 2009, by REACH

REACH Acting at Scale Intervention Guides - Micronutrient Supplementation and Fortification

The Acting at Scale series is a collection of information resources for nutrition practitioners and include an Intervention Guide and Implementation Case Studies for each of the 11 REACH-promoted interventions. These documents aim to provide highly condensed information and lessons learned for scaling up nutrition interventions to support field practitioners...

Published in 2009, by REACH

REACH Acting at Scale Intervention Guides - Supplementary Feeding

The Acting at Scale series is a collection of information resources for nutrition practitioners and include an Intervention Guide and Implementation Case Studies for each of the 11 REACH-promoted interventions. These documents aim to provide highly condensed information and lessons learned for scaling up nutrition interventions to support field practitioners...

Published in 2009, by REACH

REACH Acting at Scale Intervention Guides - Therapeutic Feeding

The Acting at Scale series is a collection of information resources for nutrition practitioners and include an Intervention Guide and Implementation Case Studies for each of the 11 REACH-promoted interventions. These documents aim to provide highly condensed information and lessons learned for scaling up nutrition interventions to support field practitioners...

Published in 2009, by REACH

Refugee Nutrition Information System No 22 - Supplement - Report on the Nutrition Situation in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea

This paper aims to summarise the sometimes conflicting information currently available on the nutrition and food security situation in the DPRK. First, it gives some background information - a context in which to understand the current situation. It then summarises the available information and data on nutrition and food security in the country, pointing out...

Published in 1997, by UN Standing Committee on Nutrition

SCN News No 01 - Vitamin A Deficiency, Urbanization

Recent evidence that vitamin A supplementation may save the lives - as well as the sight - of children affected by the eye disease xerophthalmia due to vitamin A deficiency has given new urgency to a 10-year United Nations programme aimed at the control and prevention of vitamin A deficiency. Launched by a UN interagency meeting in October 1985, the...

Published in 1988, by UN Standing Committee on Nutrition

SCN News No 04 - Update on the Nutrition Situation

This issue of SCN News gives an update on the nutrition situation - Latest data from 33 countries show diverse trends. Drought and debt crises regularly hit the headlines. Success stories have a poorer press. What is actually happening to nutrition in countries in the developing world? Is the "silent emergency" becoming "silent genocide"?

Published in 1989, by UN Standing Committee on Nutrition

SCN News No 05 - Nutrition and School Performance

The education of children all over the world is being held back by malnutrition. In humanitarian terms, it makes no sense that the children who manage to get to school cannot benefit fully from their education, because they are already malnourished, because they are currently hungry, or because of infection. Nearly 90% of the world's school children will be...

Published in 1990, by UN Standing Committee on Nutrition

SCN News No 07 - Supplement - Some Options for Improving Nutrition in the 1990s

This summary is intended to be useful for international agencies concerned with certain major nutritional problems in poor societies, and through them for governments making decisions on policies to alleviate these problems. It aims to provide a view of the state of current knowledge, based on recent experience, emanating from a meeting convened by the...

Published in 1991, by UN Standing Committee on Nutrition

SCN News No 08 - Highlights of the World Nutrition Situation

This issue of SCN News summarizes analytical work in the last few years for the Reports on the World Nutrition Situation and elsewhere, on the possibility of using food prices in nutrition monitoring. A second focus is on the long-term effects of improved childhood nutrition.

Published in 1992, by UN Standing Committee on Nutrition

SCN News No 12 - The Role of Care in Nutrition; Specific Deficiencies versus Growth Failure

The three main features of this issue of SCN News are: The role of care in nutrition - The causes of poor child nutrition are undergoing a substantial reassessment with recent understanding of the importance of care. Specific deficiencies versus growth failure - Two types of responses have been identified when a child's intake of an essential nutrient is...

Published in 1995, by UN Standing Committee on Nutrition

SCN News No 20 - Nutrition and Agriculture

This issue of SCN News deals with nutrition and agriculture.

Published in 2000, by UN Standing Committee on Nutrition

SCN News No 22 - Nutrition Goals and Targets

This issue of SCN News is devoted to nutrition goals and targets. This topic is both timely and important because two major upcoming international meetings will review achievements towards nutrition goals set in the 90s. These are the United Nations General Assembly Special Session on Children in September which marks the tenth anniversary of the...

Published in 2001, by UN Standing Committee on Nutrition

SCN News No 25 - School-age Children: Their Health and Nutrition

This issue of SCN News features a comprehensive review of the nutrition and health status of school-age children, an initiative of the SCN Working Group on Nutrition of the School-Age Child chaired very ably during 2000-2002 by Don Bundy of the World Bank. For many decades a neglected age group, the nutritional well being of children six to 18 years reflects...

Published in 2002, by UN Standing Committee on Nutrition

SCN News No 27 – Meeting the Challenge to Improve Complementary Feeding

This issue of SCN News focuses on the critical period of complementary feeding, and its importance to achieving the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). Dr Chessa Lutter, from the Pan American Health Organization, has compiled a series of articles which depicts the challenges and possibilities to improving complementary feeding for young children.

Published in 2003, by UN Standing Committee on Nutrition

SCN News No 28 - Nutrition and the Millennium Development Goals

On 22 March 2004, international development practitioners and nutrition technocrats and scientists met at the United Nations in New York for the SCN Symposium on Nutrition as the key to achieving the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). The Symposium focused on nutrition’s role in accelerating improvements in poverty reduction, sustainable development and...

Published in 2004, by UN Standing Committee on Nutrition

SCN News No 29 - Overweight and Obesity: A New Nutrition Emergency?

This issue of SCN News highlights the global challenge involved in effectively addressing the increasing public health problem of overweight and obesity. Our goal is to update readers and raise awareness of the issues related to overweight and obesity from a broad perspective and highlight recent global efforts and actions for their prevention and control.

Published in 2004, by UN Standing Committee on Nutrition

SCN News No 30 - Closing the Gap on the Right to Adequate Food: The Voluntary Guidelines

The focus of this edition of SCN News is on the challenges provided by the new Voluntary Guidelines on realizing the right to adequate food, adopted by the FAO Council last November. The papers include the SCN’s experience of developing case studies on how to strengthen food and nutrition components of national poverty reduction plans. They describe the...

Published in 2005, by UN Standing Committee on Nutrition

SCN News No 33 - Diet-related Chronic Diseases and the Double Burden of Malnutrition in West Africa

This issue of the SCN News features the papers presented at the Nutrition Forum meeting in Cape Verde. This is the results of a new collaborative arrangement between the SCN and the West African Health Organization (WAHO) of the Economic Community of Western African States (ECOWAS). The Nutrition Forum of ECOWAS brings together the nutrition focal points of...

Published in 2006, by UN Standing Committee on Nutrition

SCN News No 34 - Working Together to End Child Hunger and Undernutrition

This SCN News features papers based on presentations made at the Symposium at the 34th SCN Session at FAO, Rome 26 February 2007. The Symposium focused on what we know in theory and what are best practices for creating increased system cohesiveness at all levels in order to accelerate progress towards ending child hunger and undernutrition.

Published in 2007, by UN Standing Committee on Nutrition

SCN News No 36 - Accelerating the Reduction of Maternal and Child Undernutrition

This edition of the SCN News is of special relevance for a variety of reasons, not least of which being the recommendations agreed at the 35th Session held in Hanoi in March 2008, hosted by the Government of Vietnam. The 35th Session was aimed at understanding how to accelerate the reduction of maternal and child undernutrition, drawing on the recently...

Published in 2008, by UN Standing Committee on Nutrition

Second Report on the World Nutrition Situation - Volume I: Global and Regional Results

This Second Report on the World Nutrition Situation comes at an important time. In the near future human well-being, to which nutrition is fundamental, could improve more rapidly throughout the world; but economic adjustments and mass migration are continuing threats. The results here show steady, if slow, progress in many countries in the last few years....

Published in 1992, by UN Standing Committee on Nutrition

Second Report on the World Nutrition Situation - Volume II: Country Trends Methods and Statistics

Country-level data are intended to illustrate and promote understanding of observed trends in nutrition. They also, importantly, show the variety of situations, smoothed out in the regional data, from rapid improvement to stagnation or deterioration. As discussed in the text, the choice of countries was biased towards those with large populations. This means...

Published in 1993, by UN Standing Committee on Nutrition

Ten Minutes to Learn about Nutrition Programming - Magazine Issue No. 3/2008, Supplement

Sight and Life Magazine carries news, features, letters and editorials on nutrition and health-related projects and research activities from on-the-ground practioners as well as leading experts and policymakers in public health and nutrition. This issue of the Sight and Life Magazine focuses on Nutrition Programming.

Published in 2008, by WFP, DSM

The early years: keys to child nutrition & health

This brief overview highlights selected activities in infant nutrition where stable isotope techniques have been used. They include projects to measure human milk intake in breast-fed infants, lean body mass (muscle mass) in lactating mothers, and bioavailability of iron in infants and young children. Published in IAEA Bulletin Volume 47, No 1.

Published in 2005, by Lena Davidsson, IAEA

The State of the World’s Children Special Edition: Celebrating 20 Years of the Convention on the Rights of the Child

In commemoration of the 20th anniversary of the Convention on the Rights of the Child on 20 November 2009, UNICEF is dedicating a special edition of its flagship publication The State of the World’s Children to child rights. The report broadly assesses the Convention’s impact on children’s well-being and human development during the past two decades,...

Published in 2009, by UNICEF

Third Report on the World Nutrition Situation

This Third Report on the World Nutrition Situation is part of a series of SCN reports initiated in the mid 80s on nutritional status of populations in developing countries. The centrepiece of earlier reports was estimates of regional trends in underweight of preschool children. This Third Report presents, for the first time, information on global and...

Published in 1997, by UN Standing Committee on Nutrition

Training in the management of severe malnutrition

this training course on hospital based care of severely malnourished children responds to the urgend need to reduce paediatric deaths related to severe malnurtition in many developing countries

Published in 2003, by WHO

Update on the Nutrition Situation - 1994

This report updates the results given in the Second Report on the World Nutrition Situation. New data available at country level1 give recent trends in prevalences of underweight children, as the main nutritional indicator, in 18 countries. These can be compared with those reported in Volume II, to give a total of 46 national trend estimates for the 1980s...

Published in 1994, by UN Standing Committee on Nutrition

Update on the Nutrition Situation - Recent Trends in Nutrition in 33 Countries

The report aims to describe recent trends in nutrition and certain potential determining factors, country-by-country. The approach is unavoidably ad hoc, due to the variable availability of data. Selected indicators of likely determinants of year-to-year change are emphasized, especially related to economic stress. Such factors are thought to be having...

Published in 1989, by UN Standing Committee on Nutrition

WHO, UNICEF and SCN informal consultation on community-based management of severe malnutrition in children

This technical paper is a special issue of the Food and Nutrition Bulletin reports on a WHO/UNICEF/Standing Committee on Nutrition (SCN) meeting on community-based management of severe malnutrition in children that took place in Geneva on November 21-23, 2005, and brought together some 50 international experts and representatives from the World Food...

Published in 2006, by SCN, WHO, UNICEF