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Food Security and Nutrition: Meeting the Needs of Orphans and Other Children Affected by HIV and AIDS in AFRICA

Kara Greenblott, Kate Greenaway

Published in : 2007

Available in : English

This research was undertaken in an effort to understand the complex issues of food security and nutrition faced by Africa’s orphans and other children affected by HIV and AIDS, their families and communities, and to present a synopsis of where we stand today on programmatic issues including targeting, effective programming and monitoring and evaluation (M&E).

Documents :
English (PDF, 423.11Kb)

Originally posted at : WFP Website

This resource is listed under:

Themes : Household Food Security and community nutrition, general, Nutrition and HIV/AIDS, general, Nutrition planning, policy and programme, general, Vulnerable groups, general, Monitoring and evaluation, Monitoring and evaluation, Orphans, Programmes

Life-cycle focus : Infancy, Pre-school age

Resource types : Scientific/background documents

Working groups : Nutrition and HIV/AIDS