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Core Commitments for Children in Emergencies


Published in : 2010

Available in : English

UNICEF’s Core Commitments for Children in Emergencies, build on UNICEF’s experience in recent crises and outlines UNICEF’s initial response in protecting and caring for children and women. It states UNICEF’s core response at all levels of the organization.

Documents :
English (PDF, 1.56Mb)
French (PDF, 1.65Mb)
Spanish (PDF, 1.62Mb)

Originally posted at : UNICEF

This resource is listed under:

Themes : Emergency, general, Interventions, general, Vulnerable groups, general, Health Interventions , HTP module 02, Humanitarian Standards, Rights of the child

Life-cycle focus : Infancy, Pre-school age, School age, Adolescence

Resource types : Advocacy briefs, Guidelines, Statements