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Examining Early Child Development in Low-Income Countries: A Toolkit for the Assessment of Children in the First Five Years of Life

World Bank

Published in : 2009

Available in : English

The toolkit aims to: (i) provide an overview of issues affecting early development and its measurement; (ii) discuss the types of tests typically used with children under five years; (iii) provide guidelines for selecting and adapting tests for use in developing countries, and (iv) make recommendations for planning successful assessment strategies.

Documents :
Examining Early Child Development in Low-Income Countries: A Toolkit for the Assessment of Children in the First Five Years of Life (PDF, 2.61Mb)

Originally posted at : World Bank Nutrition Publications & Reports

This resource is listed under:

Themes : Interventions, general, Nutrition assessments and M&E, general, Monitoring and evaluation, Monitoring and evaluation

Life-cycle focus : Infancy, Pre-school age

Resource types : Tools and toolkits