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SCN News No 36 - Accelerating the Reduction of Maternal and Child Undernutrition

UN Standing Committee on Nutrition

Published in : 2008

Available in : English

This edition of the SCN News is of special relevance for a variety of reasons, not least of which being the recommendations agreed at the 35th Session held in Hanoi in March 2008, hosted by the Government of Vietnam. The 35th Session was aimed at understanding how to accelerate the reduction of maternal and child undernutrition, drawing on the recently launched Lancet Nutrition Series (LNS) on maternal and child undernutrition.

Documents :
SCN News No 36 (PDF, 2.30Mb)

Originally posted at : UNSCN - Publications

This resource is listed under:

Themes : Complementary feeding, general, Household Food Security and community nutrition, general, Interventions, general, Micronutrients, general, Nutrition and food systems, general, Nutrition and human rights, general, Nutrition planning, policy and programme, general, Undernutrition, general, Vulnerable groups, general, Biofortification, Biofortification, Conditional cash transfers, Food and nutrition policies and strategies, Food chain, food production and processing, Fortification, Fortification, Growth standards, Maternal undernutrition / LBW, Micronutrient deficiencies, Micronutrient deficiencies, Micronutrient Supplementation, Micronutrient Supplementation, Micronutrient Supplementation, Monitoring and evaluation, Monitoring and evaluation, Nutrition information and education, Nutrition information and education, Poverty, Right to food, Stunting, Surveillance systems, Surveillance systems, Treatment of severe acute malnutrition, Treatment of severe acute malnutrition, Wasting

Life-cycle focus : Pregnancy, Lactation, Fetal development, Infancy, Pre-school age, Intergenerational focus

Resource types : Newsletters

Locations : Brazil, Viet Nam

Working groups : Breastfeeding and complementary feeding, Capacity Development in Food and Nutrition, Household Food Security, Micronutrients, Nutrition in Emergencies, Nutrition of School-Age Children, Nutrition, Ethics and Human Rights