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SCN News No 07 - Supplement - Some Options for Improving Nutrition in the 1990s

UN Standing Committee on Nutrition

Published in : 1991

Available in : English

This summary is intended to be useful for international agencies concerned with certain major nutritional problems in poor societies, and through them for governments making decisions on policies to alleviate these problems. It aims to provide a view of the state of current knowledge, based on recent experience, emanating from a meeting convened by the ACC/SCN in November 1990, and reviewed by the UN and bilateral agency representatives at the ACC/SCN 18th Session in February 1991.

Documents :
SCN News No 7 Supplement (PDF, 183.05Kb)

Originally posted at : UNSCN - Publications

This resource is listed under:

Themes : Diet and lifestyle, general, Household Food Security and community nutrition, general, Interventions, general, Micronutrients, general, Nutrition and food systems, general, Nutrition and health/disease, general, Nutrition and human rights, general, Nutrition assessments and M&E, general, Nutrition planning, policy and programme, general, Undernutrition, general, Vulnerable groups, general, Accountability, Accountability, Deworming, Food and nutrition policies and strategies, Food chain, food production and processing, Food safety, Hygiene, water and sanitation, Iodine / IDD, Iron / Anaemia, Malaria, Micronutrient deficiencies, Micronutrient deficiencies, Monitoring and evaluation, Monitoring and evaluation, Multi-sectoral, Nutrition information and education, Nutrition information and education, Nutritional requirements, Nutritional requirements , Poverty, Programmes, Right to care, Socio-economic, Triple-A (Assessment, Analysis, Action), Underweight, Vitamin A / Night blindness, Women and girls

Life-cycle focus : Pre-school age, School age

Resource types : Newsletters

Working groups : Household Food Security, Micronutrients, Nutrition of School-Age Children, Nutrition, Ethics and Human Rights