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Iron supplementation of young children in regions where malaria transmission is intense and infectious disease highly prevalent


Published in : 2006

Available in : English

Following the publication of two studies evaluating the impact of iron and zinc supplementation on childhood mortality and severe morbidity in Nepal and Zanzibar, WHO and UNICEF published a Joint Statement to emphasize the fact that iron and folic acid supplementation should be targeted only to those children who are anaemic and at risk of iron deficiency. They should receive concurrent protection from malaria and other infectious diseases through prevention and effective case management.

Documents :
Iron supplementation of young children in regions where malaria transmission is intense and infectious disease highly prevalent (PDF, 252.53Kb)

Originally posted at : WHO - Child and adolescent health and development

This resource is listed under:

Themes : Micronutrients, general, Nutrition and health/disease, general, Iron / Anaemia, Malaria, Micronutrient Supplementation, Micronutrient Supplementation, Micronutrient Supplementation

Life-cycle focus : Pre-school age, School age

Resource types : Statements

Working groups : Micronutrients