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SCN News No 01 - Vitamin A Deficiency, Urbanization

UN Standing Committee on Nutrition

Published in : 1988

Available in : English

Recent evidence that vitamin A supplementation may save the lives - as well as the sight - of children affected by the eye disease xerophthalmia due to vitamin A deficiency has given new urgency to a 10-year United Nations programme aimed at the control and prevention of vitamin A deficiency. Launched by a UN interagency meeting in October 1985, the programme presented in this issue of SCN News focuses on 34 developing countries known to have serious vitamin A deficiency problems.

Documents :
SCN News No 1 (PDF, 589.53Kb)

Originally posted at : UNSCN - Publications

This resource is listed under:

Themes : Household Food Security and community nutrition, general, Interventions, general, Micronutrients, general, Nutrition planning, policy and programme, general, Undernutrition, general, Vulnerable groups, general, Food and nutrition policies and strategies, Fortification, Fortification, Iron / Anaemia, Micronutrient deficiencies, Micronutrient deficiencies, Micronutrient Supplementation, Micronutrient Supplementation, Micronutrient Supplementation, Monitoring and evaluation, Monitoring and evaluation, Multi-sectoral, Nutrition information and education, Nutrition information and education, Poverty, Programmes, Rural nutrition, Rural nutrition, Stunting, Surveillance systems, Surveillance systems, Underweight, Urban nutrition, Urban nutrition, Vitamin A / Night blindness, Wasting, Women and girls

Life-cycle focus : Pre-school age

Resource types : Newsletters

Locations : Africa

Working groups : Capacity Development in Food and Nutrition, Household Food Security, Micronutrients, Nutrition of School-Age Children