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Theme: Poverty

Antiretroviral therapy of HIV infection of infants and children in resource-limited settings: towards universal access. Recommendations for a public health approach. Revision 2010

These recommendations are designed for health professionals involved in caring for and treating children with HIV with antiretrovirals and senior policy makers. They are highly technical, but have been peer reviewed by Paediatricians and other health professionals from around the world who specialise in HIV in children, and thus are a gold standard of care.

Published in 2010, by WHO

Brief 1 of 12 - Nutrition: Making the Case

Nutrition: A Foundation for Development. Why Practitioners in Development Should Integrate Nutrition In the past 20 years hundreds of millions of people have benefited from improved living standards. Many countries have experienced increases in life expectancy, growth in per capita food production and gross domestic product, improvements in school...

Published in 2002, by UN Standing Committee on Nutrition

Claiming the MDGs: A human rights approach

This publication sets out a human rights approach to the MDGs, the primary purpose of which is to outline a clear framework of analysis for the development sector, relevant also to the needs of human rights practitioners, identifying entry points at the policy level as well as for country-level programming and advocacy. Practical illustrations are provided...

Published in 2008, by OHCHR

Climate change and hunger

This report reviews current knowledge of the effects of climate change on hunger. It summarizes knowledge from global studies completed and provides an overview of actions that can be taken to address the challenge.

Published in 2009, by Martin Parry, Alex Evans, Mark W. Rosegrant, Tim Wheeler

El Progreso de las Naciones 1999

La edición de 1999 contempla las devastadoras consecuencias del VIH/SIDA y de la "carga de la deuda" sobre el desarrollo, la salud y la educación de los niños y las familias en algunos de los países menos adelantados. El Progreso de las Naciones analiza también las medidas que se han tomado y los avances alcanzados en la vacunación infantil y en la...

Published in 1999, by UNICEF

El Progreso de las Naciones 2000

El Progreso de las Naciones describe los avances que es posible lograr cuando las naciones invierten en el bienestar de la infancia y protegen sus derechos. Hoy en día hay menos posibilidades de que los niños adezcan discapacidad mental a causa de la carencia de yodo; hoy en día hay más niños matriculados en la escuela que hace diez años; hoy en día...

Published in 2000, by UNICEF

Exploring the Links: Human Well-Being, Poverty and Ecosystem Services

This publication presents the conceptual framework on poverty and ecosystems.The paper sets out to achieve three objectives. The first objective is to demonstrate how human well-being is dependent on ecosystems and ecosystem services.The second objective is to identify barriers and drivers that prevent the poor from using these ecosystem services to improve...

Published in 2004, by UNEP, IISD

Fifth Report on the World Nutrition Situation

The 5th Report continues the tradition of reporting on trends in nutrition throughout the life cycle and of challenging the nutrition community. But instead of asking the question: how is nutrition affected by global changes? the 5th Report asks the question more proactively: how can a nutrition perspective accelerate the attainment of a comprehensive set of...

Published in 2004, by UN Standing Committee on Nutrition

Finance Development: Invest in Children

This booklet shows why development efforts must focus first and foremost on freeing children from poverty. At a minimum, children need a package of basic social services of good-quality health care, education and safe water and adequate sanitation, so that they can grow to their full potential, free of disease, malnutrition, illiteracy and deprivation. It is...

Published in 2002, by UNICEF

First Report on the World Nutrition Situation

The overall objectives of the report are to provide an agreed basis for raising awareness of malnutrition - its extent, severity and trends - to advocate that increased attention be given to preventing this extensive and serious human problem. The report, through the indicators and their interpretation, should demonstrate the inter-sectoral nature of the...

Published in 1987, by UN Standing Committee on Nutrition

Food Scarcity and Famine. Assessment and response

A detailed guide to the accurate assessment of the nutritional needs of populations suffering from the effects of food scarcity and famine.

Published in 1992, by Helen Young

Fourth Report on the World Nutrition Situation Nutrition throughout the Life Cycle

The Fourth Report on the World Nutrition Situation is part of a series of ACC/SCN reports initiated in the mid-1980s on the nutritional status of populations in developing countries. While earlier reports have focused on regional trends in preschool undernutrition, this report is built around the theme nutrition throughout the life cycle. This change was...

Published in 2000, by UN Standing Committee on Nutrition

Global Climate Change: implications to international public health policy

Since 1990, WHO has published a series of reports on climate change and has participated in review processes such as the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. These activities have outlined key characteristics of the health risks generated by a warming and a more variable climate. However many of the projected impacts on health are avoidable, through a...

Published in 2007, by Diarmid Campbell-Lendrum, Carlos Corvalán, Maria Neira

Global value chains in the agrifood sector

Trends in global agribusiness and their consequences for strategies to eradicate poverty through increasing export growth are analysed in this paper using the GVC perspective. This perspective analyses inter-firm linkages in global agribusiness, placing agricultural production and processing in developing countries in the context of the dynamics of the...

Published in 2006, by UNIDO

Guidelines for Addressing HIV in Humanitarian Settings

These Guidelines for Addressing HIV in Humanitarian Settings aim to assist humanitarian and AIDS organizations to plan the delivery of a minimum set of HIV prevention, treatment, care and support services to people affected by humanitarian crises.

Published in 2009, by Inter-Agency Standing Committee

Health in the Americas - Overview of Regional Health

This document is one chapter "Overview of Regional Health" from the PAHO publication "Health in the Americas". This 2007 edition of Health in the Americas presents a broad picture of the regional situation and that of all the countries with regard to health and human development; specific disease conditions and risk factors; environmental health, and the...

Published in 2007, by PAHO

Human Rights and Poverty Reduction: A Conceptual Framework

The Conceptual Framework presents a clear vision of a human rights approach to poverty reduction, a vision that explicitly encompasses accountability and empowering people as actors for their own development.

Published in 2004, by OHCHR

Human Rights, Poverty Reduction and Sustainable Development: Health, Food and Water

The Secretary General called for the World Summit on Sustainable Development held in Johannesburg in 2002 to focus on achieving concrete results in five areas. These are; water and sanitation, energy, agricultural productivity, biodiversity and ecosystem management and health (WEHAB). This background paper examines how human rights as both a normative...

Published in 2002, by OHCHR

Hunger and poverty: the role of biodiversity

Report of an International Consultation on the Role of Biodiversity in Achieving the UN Millennium Development Goal of Freedom from Hunger and Poverty Chennai, India, April 18-19, 2005

Published in 2006, by MSSRF, IPGRI, GFU

Intervenciones para mejorar los servicios de salud maternoinfantil y el estado nutricional de las madres y los niños: barreras y opciones

Uno de los principales retos de las autoridades de salud de los países en desarrollo es llevar a cabo intervenciones de eficacia demostrada dirigidas especialmente a las poblaciones de menor acceso a los servicios de salud. Esta tarea se hace difícil por la carencia de intervenciones validadas en ese contexto particular. Al aproximarse la fecha establecida...

Published in 2008, by PAHO

La Desnutrición en Lactantes y Niños Pequeños en América Latina y El Caribe: Alcanzando los Objetivos de Desarrollo del Milenio

Este informe sobre el crecimiento de los niños durante los últimos 20 años en 13 países de América Latina y El Caribe pretende ser una herramienta de utilidad para la lucha contra la desnutrición. Investiga los patrones de retraso del crecimiento específicos para la edad y las variaciones que existen al interior y entre los países y considera la...

Published in 2008, by OPS - PAHO, OMS - WHO

Le progrès des nations 1999

Le rapport de 1999 examine l'impact dévastateur du VIH/SIDA et du « fardeau de la dette » sur le développement, la santé et l'éducation des enfants et de leurs familles dans certains des pays les plus pauvres du monde. Le progrès des nations fait aussi état des mesures prises et des succès remportés dans les domaines de la vaccination des enfants...

Published in 1999, by UNICEF

Le progrès des nations 2000

Le progrès des nations 2000 présente les progrès qui peuvent être réalisés lorsque les nations investissent dans le bien-être de leurs enfants et protègent leurs droits. De nos jours, le risque d'arriération mentale provoquée par la carence en iode a diminué; la proportion d'enfants inscrits à l'école dépasse celle que l'on enregistrait il y a...

Published in 2000, by UNICEF

Les droits de l’homme et la lutte contre la pauvreté: Cadre conceptuel

Le présent cadre conceptuel offre une vision claire d’une stratégie de lutte contre la pauvreté fondée sur les droits de l’homme, une vision qui englobe explicitement l’obligation de rendre des comptes et la participation des acteurs à leur propre développement.

Published in 2004, by HCDH - OHCHR

Los derechos humanos y la reducción de la pobreza: Un marco conceptual

El presente marco conceptual presenta una clara visión de un enfoque basado en los derechos humanos con respecto a la reducción de la pobreza, visión que abarca explícitamente la responsabilidad y habilitación de las personas como protagonistas de su propio desarrollo.

Published in 2004, by OACDH - OHCHR

Malnutrition in Infants and Young Children in Latin America and the Caribbean: Achieving the Millennium Development Goals

This comprehensive report on the growth of children over the last 20 years in 13 Latin America and Caribbean countries provides a useful tool in the fight against malnutrition. Primary data analysis of nationally representative surveys provides a thorough assessment of the prevalence of malnutrition, age-specific patterns of poor growth, and variations in...

Published in 2008, by PAHO, WHO

Nutrition Information in Crisis Situations - Report Number 03

The UN Standing Committee on Nutrition issues these Reports on Nutrition Information in Crisis Situations with the intention of raising awareness and facilitating action. The Reports are designed to provide information over time on key outcome indicators from emergency- affected populations, play an advocacy role in bringing the plight of emergency affected...

Published in 2004, by UN Standing Committee on Nutrition

Nutrition Information in Crisis Situations - Report Number 04

The UN Standing Committee on Nutrition issues these Reports on Nutrition Information in Crisis Situations with the intention of raising awareness and facilitating action. The Reports are designed to provide information over time on key outcome indicators from emergency- affected populations, play an advocacy role in bringing the plight of emergency affected...

Published in 2004, by UN Standing Committee on Nutrition

Nutrition Information in Crisis Situations - Report Number 05

The UN Standing Committee on Nutrition issues these Reports on Nutrition Information in Crisis Situations with the intention of raising awareness and facilitating action. The Reports are designed to provide information over time on key outcome indicators from emergency- affected populations, play an advocacy role in bringing the plight of emergency affected...

Published in 2005, by UN Standing Committee on Nutrition

Nutrition Information in Crisis Situations - Report Number 07

The UN Standing Committee on Nutrition issues these Reports on Nutrition Information in Crisis Situations with the intention of raising awareness and facilitating action. The Reports are designed to provide information over time on key outcome indicators from emergency- affected populations, play an advocacy role in bringing the plight of emergency affected...

Published in 2005, by UN Standing Committee on Nutrition

Nutrition Information in Crisis Situations - Report Number 10

The UN Standing Committee on Nutrition issues these Reports on Nutrition Information in Crisis Situations with the intention of raising awareness and facilitating action. The Reports are designed to provide information over time on key outcome indicators from emergency- affected populations, play an advocacy role in bringing the plight of emergency affected...

Published in 2006, by UN Standing Committee on Nutrition

Nutrition Information in Crisis Situations - Report Number 13

The UN Standing Committee on Nutrition issues these Reports on Nutrition Information in Crisis Situations with the intention of raising awareness and facilitating action. The Reports are designed to provide information over time on key outcome indicators from emergency- affected populations, play an advocacy role in bringing the plight of emergency affected...

Published in 2007, by UN Standing Committee on Nutrition

Nutrition Policy Discussion Paper No 01 - Nutrition Education: A State-of-the-art Review

How well or poorly does nutrition education work? Does it deal better with some nutrition problems than with others? Do some kinds of nutrition education produce better results than other kinds? These are the sorts of questions addressed by Dr. Robert Hornik and a panel of distinguished discussants in the pages that follow. From their answers emerges a...

Published in 1985, by UN Standing Committee on Nutrition

Nutrition Policy Discussion Paper No 04 - Women's Role in Food Chain Activities and the Implications for Nutrition

We hope that the wide-ranging information herein will further the crucially important cause of women, specifically in relation to nutrition, in several ways. First, women's central role in providing for adequate nutrition - of families, communities, and indeed nations - in being described here in detail should help to give increased prominence to the need...

Published in 1989, by UN Standing Committee on Nutrition

Nutrition Policy Discussion Paper No 06 - Women and Nutrition

Women, throughout most of the world, have the major responsibility for their families' nutrition. Their own nutrition is often impaired, under the social and biological stresses they face. Developments that improve women's position in society are likely to improve nutrition overall, and are essential for this. Equally, any activities aimed at preventing...

Published in 1990, by UN Standing Committee on Nutrition

Nutrition Policy Discussion Paper No 14 - Controlling Vitamin A Deficiency

With the recent publication of "Effectiveness of Vitamin A Supplementation in the Control of Young Child Morbidity and Mortality in Developing Countries" as ACC/SCN Nutrition Policy Discussion Paper No. 13, we now know more about the type and degree of positive benefits of raising vitamin A status among deprived populations. After the findings of the...

Published in 1994, by UN Standing Committee on Nutrition

Nutrition Policy Discussion Paper No 15 - How Nutrition Improves

Viewing improved nutrition as an outcome of development processes expands the area of concern for policy-makers and practitioners who seek to combat malnutrition. These processes operate at different levels in society, from (he individual through to the whole arena of governmental policy and indeed international relationships. The SCN, in deciding on...

Published in 1996, by UN Standing Committee on Nutrition

Nutrition Policy Discussion Paper No 20 - Nutrition and HIV/AIDS

This Nutrition Policy Paper is based on the ACC/SCN Symposium on Nutrition and HIV/AIDS held in Nairobi in April 2001. The objective of the symposium was, firstly, to stimulate collaboration between the nutrition and HIV/AIDS communities. The second objective was to examine a broad range of nutrition issues that have a direct bearing on policies and...

Published in 2001, by UN Standing Committee on Nutrition

Nutrition Policy Discussion Paper No 21 - Community-Based Management of Severe Malnutrition in Children

This special issue of the Food and Nutrition Bulletin reports on a WHO/UNICEF/Standing Committee on Nutrition (SCN) meeting on community-based management of severe malnutrition in children that took place in Geneva on November 21–23, 2005, and brought together some 50 international experts and representatives from the World Food Programme (WFP), the United...

Published in 2006, by UN Standing Committee on Nutrition

Objetivos de desarrollo del Milenio 2009

La Declaración del Milenio fijó el 2015 como fecha límite para alcanzar la mayoría de los objetivos de desarrollo del Milenio (ODM), que establecieron los parámetros cuantitativos para reducir todas las formas de extrema pobreza a la mitad. El presente informe ofrece una evaluación anual del año 2009 del progreso hacia el logro de los ODM.

Published in 2009, by UN DESA

Occasional Paper 20: Unveiling Social Safety Nets

Interest in safety nets and social protection is growing exponentially. Ways of strengthening them are called for in high-level statements, researched in academic articles, and implemented by practitioners. Such developments are encouraging and may help to shed light on some long-standing humanitarian and development challenges. The concept remains...

Published in 2009, by WFP, Ugo Gentilini, Steven Were Omamo

Pour financer le développement investissez en faveur des enfants

Aujourd'hui, le développement est synonyme de réduction de la pauvreté. Et puisque les enfants sont souvent ceux qui sont le plus durement touchés par la pauvreté de la société, les programmes de développement doivent s'efforcer en premier lieu d'affranchir les enfants de la pauvreté.

Published in 2002, by UNICEF

Poverty Reduction Begins with Children

Despite unprecedented global prosperity, a staggering 40 per cent of all children in developing countries – over half a billion – are struggling to survive on less than $1 per day. Poverty is the main underlying cause of millions of preventable child deaths each year. It is the cause of tens of millions of children going hungry, missing out on school or...

Published in 2000, by UNICEF

Progrès pour les enfants : un bilan de la nutrition (No. 4)

Le présent bilan – le quatrième d’une série de l’UNICEF qui surveille les progrès accomplis en faveur des enfants – mesure les résultats obtenus au plan mondial dans le domaine de la nutrition, en prenant comme indicateur principal le pourcentage d’enfants de moins de cinq ans présentant une insuffi sance pondérale. La communauté...

Published in 2006, by UNICEF

Progreso para la infancia: un balance sobre la nutrición (No. 4)

El propósito de este balance –el cuarto de una serie de balances preparados por UNICEF para realizar un seguimiento sobre el progreso de la infancia hacia los ODM– es evaluar el desempeño mundial en materia de nutrición, tomando como indicador básico la prevalencia de peso inferior al normal entre los niños y niñas menores de cinco años. Aun...

Published in 2006, by UNICEF

Progress for Children: A Report Card on Nutrition (No. 4)

This report card – the fourth in a UNICEF series that monitors progress for children towards the MDGs – measures the world’s performance on nutrition, taking the prevalence of underweight among children under five as its primary indicator. The global community promised to cut the proportion of underweight children by half between 1990 and 2015, but we...

Published in 2006, by UNICEF

Progress of Nations 1999

The 1999 edition looks at the devastating impact of both HIV/AIDS and the 'debt burden' on the development, health and education of children and families in some of the poorest countries. The Progress of Nations 1999 also charts the steps taken and the progress made in child immunization and in the eradication of vitamin A deficiency.

Published in 1999, by UNICEF

Progress of Nations 2000

The Progress of Nations 2000 describes the gains that are possible when nations invest in children's well being and protect their rights. Children are now less likely to be mentally impaired because of iodine deficiency; more children are enrolled in school now than 10 years ago; and polio is on the verge of eradication. But the publication also recounts the...

Published in 2000, by UNICEF

Reivindicar los objetivos de desarrollo del Milenio : un enfoque de derechos humanos

La presente publicación expone un enfoque de derechos humanos respecto de los ODM cuyo propósito primordial es esbozar un marco claro de análisis para el sector del desarrollo, que atienda también las necesidades de los especialistas en derechos humanos, definiendo puntos de entrada en el nivel de las políticas así como para la programación y la...

Published in 2008, by OACDH - OHCHR

Revendiquer les objectifs du Millénaire pour le développement : une approche fondée sur les droits de l’homme

La présente publication présente une approche des OMD fondée sur les droits de l’homme qui vise avant tout à offrir une grille d’analyse claire au secteur du développement. Des illustrations concrètes apparaissent tout au long de l’ouvrage, également jalonné de propositions d’indicateurs supplémentaires pour des OMD bien précis qui se...

Published in 2008, by HCDH - OHCHR

Safe preparation, storage and handling of powdered infant formula

Powdered infant formula (PIF) has been associated with serious illness and death in infants due to infections with Enterobacter sakazakii and Salmonella enterica. These guidelines are a generic document that will provide guidance and support for countries and governments. When adapted at the country level, conditions (e.g., climatic and socioeconomic...

Published in 2007, by WHO, FAO

SCN News No 01 - Vitamin A Deficiency, Urbanization

Recent evidence that vitamin A supplementation may save the lives - as well as the sight - of children affected by the eye disease xerophthalmia due to vitamin A deficiency has given new urgency to a 10-year United Nations programme aimed at the control and prevention of vitamin A deficiency. Launched by a UN interagency meeting in October 1985, the...

Published in 1988, by UN Standing Committee on Nutrition

SCN News No 02 - First Report on the World Nutrition Situation

The first United Nations inter-agency report on the World Nutrition Situation was issued in December 1987, by the ACC/SCN. Trends in the numbers of underfed and malnourished people in developing countries are described, starting in the sixties and highlighting changes in the last five years, using indicators of population, food availability, child nutrition...

Published in 1989, by UN Standing Committee on Nutrition

SCN News No 06 - Preventing Anaemia

The main topics of this SCN News are: Recommendations on the deficiency control methods - especially supplementation - from recent ACC/SCN workshop; Policies to Improve Nutrition - Review of recent experience, focusing on household food security, malnutrition/infection, and caring capacity; Weaning Foods - Fermentation reduces contamination; adding...

Published in 1990, by UN Standing Committee on Nutrition

SCN News No 07 - Refugees' Nutrition Crisis

The main focus of this SCN News is on refugees' nutrition crisis, as serious problems are experienced in meeting the nutritional needs of refugees. Furthermore, micronutrient intake and its relation to income and prices as well as the link between breastfeeding, birth spacing and nutrition are discussed.

Published in 1991, by UN Standing Committee on Nutrition

SCN News No 07 - Supplement - Some Options for Improving Nutrition in the 1990s

This summary is intended to be useful for international agencies concerned with certain major nutritional problems in poor societies, and through them for governments making decisions on policies to alleviate these problems. It aims to provide a view of the state of current knowledge, based on recent experience, emanating from a meeting convened by the...

Published in 1991, by UN Standing Committee on Nutrition

SCN News No 08 - Highlights of the World Nutrition Situation

This issue of SCN News summarizes analytical work in the last few years for the Reports on the World Nutrition Situation and elsewhere, on the possibility of using food prices in nutrition monitoring. A second focus is on the long-term effects of improved childhood nutrition.

Published in 1992, by UN Standing Committee on Nutrition

SCN News No 09 - Focus on Micronutrients

Deficiencies in the intake or absorption of vitamin A, iron, and iodine have serious consequences for health and mental and physical function. The clinical manifestations of these nutritional deficiencies - such as xerophthalmia, anaemia, and goitre - have been identified as major problems with increasing public health significance. This issue of SCN News...

Published in 1993, by UN Standing Committee on Nutrition

SCN News No 10 - Nutrition and Food Aid; Nutrition and Human Rights

Although the idea that adequate nutrition should be regarded as a fundamental human right appears in many different contexts in international law - these are not binding in practice. Another focus of this SCN News is on Nutrition Transition: Large shifts in dietary composition are taking place in some lower income countries with important implications for...

Published in 1993, by UN Standing Committee on Nutrition

SCN News No 12 - The Role of Care in Nutrition; Specific Deficiencies versus Growth Failure

The three main features of this issue of SCN News are: The role of care in nutrition - The causes of poor child nutrition are undergoing a substantial reassessment with recent understanding of the importance of care. Specific deficiencies versus growth failure - Two types of responses have been identified when a child's intake of an essential nutrient is...

Published in 1995, by UN Standing Committee on Nutrition

SCN News No 14 - Meeting the Nutrition Challenge

The focus of this issue of SCN News is on the nutrition challenge in the 21st century. New estimates of trends in malnutrition show some improvement worldwide, but at a substantially slower rate in the last few years than in the 1980s. This slowdown is cause for concern. It means that while the end of hunger and malnutrition had been coming into sight in the...

Published in 1997, by UN Standing Committee on Nutrition

SCN News No 18 - Adequate Food: a Human Right

This SCN News presents an overview of the symposium "The Substance and Politics of a Human Rights Approach to Food and Nutrition Policies and Programmes" which was held at the SCN's 26th Session in Geneva, Switzerland in April 1999.

Published in 1999, by UN Standing Committee on Nutrition

SCN News No 19 - Nutrition and Healthy Ageing

It is projected that in 20 years there will be twice as many older people in the world, and 70% will live in developing countries. A radical change in our perception is needed: older people are not "burdens" or "problems" needing charity, but rather carers of children, advisers, teachers, guardians of culture, and volunteers for numerous community projects....

Published in 1999, by UN Standing Committee on Nutrition

SCN News No 24 - Nutrition in the Context of Conflict and Crisis

For this issue of SCN News the Secretariat team presents the full set of papers delivered at the 29th session in Berlin in March 2002 on the theme nutrition in conflict and crisis. The symposium touched upon the politics of humanitarian aid delivery, livelihood security, and the right to food and nutrition during emergencies.

Published in 2002, by UN Standing Committee on Nutrition

SCN News No 28 - Nutrition and the Millennium Development Goals

On 22 March 2004, international development practitioners and nutrition technocrats and scientists met at the United Nations in New York for the SCN Symposium on Nutrition as the key to achieving the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). The Symposium focused on nutrition’s role in accelerating improvements in poverty reduction, sustainable development and...

Published in 2004, by UN Standing Committee on Nutrition

SCN News No 29 - Overweight and Obesity: A New Nutrition Emergency?

This issue of SCN News highlights the global challenge involved in effectively addressing the increasing public health problem of overweight and obesity. Our goal is to update readers and raise awareness of the issues related to overweight and obesity from a broad perspective and highlight recent global efforts and actions for their prevention and control.

Published in 2004, by UN Standing Committee on Nutrition

SCN News No 30 - Closing the Gap on the Right to Adequate Food: The Voluntary Guidelines

The focus of this edition of SCN News is on the challenges provided by the new Voluntary Guidelines on realizing the right to adequate food, adopted by the FAO Council last November. The papers include the SCN’s experience of developing case studies on how to strengthen food and nutrition components of national poverty reduction plans. They describe the...

Published in 2005, by UN Standing Committee on Nutrition

SCN News No 32 - Tackling the Double Burden of Malnutrition: A Global Agenda

SCN News No 32 - Tackling the Double Burden of Malnutrition: A Global Agenda. This issue provides the outcomes of the 33rd Annual Session focusing on Tackling the Double Burden of Malnutrition. This is the first time the SCN addresses malnutrition in all its forms affecting both the developing and industrialized worlds. The objective was to develop clear...

Published in 2006, by UN Standing Committee on Nutrition

SCN News No 33 - Diet-related Chronic Diseases and the Double Burden of Malnutrition in West Africa

This issue of the SCN News features the papers presented at the Nutrition Forum meeting in Cape Verde. This is the results of a new collaborative arrangement between the SCN and the West African Health Organization (WAHO) of the Economic Community of Western African States (ECOWAS). The Nutrition Forum of ECOWAS brings together the nutrition focal points of...

Published in 2006, by UN Standing Committee on Nutrition

SCN News No 34 - Working Together to End Child Hunger and Undernutrition

This SCN News features papers based on presentations made at the Symposium at the 34th SCN Session at FAO, Rome 26 February 2007. The Symposium focused on what we know in theory and what are best practices for creating increased system cohesiveness at all levels in order to accelerate progress towards ending child hunger and undernutrition.

Published in 2007, by UN Standing Committee on Nutrition

SCN News No 36 - Accelerating the Reduction of Maternal and Child Undernutrition

This edition of the SCN News is of special relevance for a variety of reasons, not least of which being the recommendations agreed at the 35th Session held in Hanoi in March 2008, hosted by the Government of Vietnam. The 35th Session was aimed at understanding how to accelerate the reduction of maternal and child undernutrition, drawing on the recently...

Published in 2008, by UN Standing Committee on Nutrition

Second Report on the World Nutrition Situation - Volume I: Global and Regional Results

This Second Report on the World Nutrition Situation comes at an important time. In the near future human well-being, to which nutrition is fundamental, could improve more rapidly throughout the world; but economic adjustments and mass migration are continuing threats. The results here show steady, if slow, progress in many countries in the last few years....

Published in 1992, by UN Standing Committee on Nutrition

Second Report on the World Nutrition Situation - Volume II: Country Trends Methods and Statistics

Country-level data are intended to illustrate and promote understanding of observed trends in nutrition. They also, importantly, show the variety of situations, smoothed out in the regional data, from rapid improvement to stagnation or deterioration. As discussed in the text, the choice of countries was biased towards those with large populations. This means...

Published in 1993, by UN Standing Committee on Nutrition

Social inequality and child malnutrition in four Andean countries

The objective of this study is to analyze the effects of socioeconomic, regional, and ethnic conditions on chronic malnutrition in four Andean countries of South America: Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru. Published in: Revista Panamericana de Salud Pública / Pan American Journal of Public Health, 2002, 11(5/6)356-364, ISSN 1020-4989, by Pan...

Published in 2002, by PAHO - OPS, Carlos Larrea , Wilma Freire

The Millennium Development Goals Report 2009

The Millennium Development Goals report presents a yearly assessment of global progress towards achieving the MDGs.Less than six years away from the 2015 deadline to achieve the MDGs, this report warns that despite many successes, overall progress has been too slow for most of the targets to be met by 2015. Major advances in the fight against poverty and...

Published in 2009, by UN DESA

The right to adequate food

This Fact Sheet explains what the right to adequate food is, illustrates its implications for specific individuals and groups, and elaborates upon State parties’ obligations with respect to this human right. The Fact Sheet also provides an overview of national, regional and international accountability and monitoring mechanisms.

Published in 2010, by OHCHR

The Right to Food and Access to Natural Resources

Right to Food Studies are a series of articles and reports on right to food related issues of contemporary interest in the areas of policy, legislation, agriculture, rural development, biodiversity, environment and natural resource management. The findings of this study suggest that the right to food has important implications for resource-access...

Published in 2008, by FAO

Update on the Nutrition Situation - 1994

This report updates the results given in the Second Report on the World Nutrition Situation. New data available at country level1 give recent trends in prevalences of underweight children, as the main nutritional indicator, in 18 countries. These can be compared with those reported in Volume II, to give a total of 46 national trend estimates for the 1980s...

Published in 1994, by UN Standing Committee on Nutrition