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Human Rights, Poverty Reduction and Sustainable Development: Health, Food and Water


Published in : 2002

Available in : English

The Secretary General called for the World Summit on Sustainable Development held in Johannesburg in 2002 to focus on achieving concrete results in five areas. These are; water and sanitation, energy, agricultural productivity, biodiversity and ecosystem management and health (WEHAB). This background paper examines how human rights as both a normative framework, and as strategic tools can strengthen three of the WEHAB areas; health, food and water.

Documents :
Human Rights, Poverty Reduction and Sustainable Development: Health, Food and Water (PDF, 95.75Kb)

Originally posted at : OHCHR Publications and resources - Special issues

This resource is listed under:

Themes : Nutrition and human rights, general, Nutrition planning, policy and programme, general, Vulnerable groups, general, Food and nutrition policies and strategies, Poverty, Right to food, Right to health, Right to water

Resource types : Scientific/background documents