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Theme: Healthy diet

Agricultural Outlook 2010-2019: Highlights

The goal of this collaborative work is to build consensus on how global agriculture may evolve in the coming decade and the key issues impacting its course.

Published in 2010, by OECD, FAO

Assessing the environmental impacts of consumption and production

The purpose of this report is to assess the best-available science from a global perspective to identify priorities among industry sectors, consumption categories and materials. For the first time, this assessment was done at the global level, identifying priorities for developed and developing countries. It supports international, national and sectoral...

Published in 2010, by UNEP

Construyendo un estilo de alimentación saludable, Proyecto del Centro Entre Todos

En este Cuaderno de Trabajo se presentan dos experiencias educativas de desarrollo integral de la primera infancia llevadas a cabo en Uruguay durante el año 2005. El documento está publicado en por El Sector de Educación de la Oficina de la UNESCO en Montevideo, en el serie "Cuaderno de trabajo: comunidades de prática". Está vinculado con el...

Published in 2007, by UNESCO

Double Pyramide: healthy food for people, sustainable food for the planet

"The double pyramide" positions foods not only following the criteria nutritional science has long recommended on the basis of their positive impact on health, but also in terms of their impact on the environment. The work aims to encourage the publication of further studies on the measurement of environmental impacts of food. The objective is to increase...

Published in 2010, by Barilla Center for Food & Nutrition

Facts for Life

Each year, around 9 million children die from preventable and treatable illnesses before reaching their fifth birthday. Many die during their first year of life. Countless more children live in precarious situations and face diminished futures. The handbook, Facts for Life, provides vital messages and information for mothers, fathers, other family members...

Published in 2010, by UNICEF, WHO, UNESCO, UNFPA, UNDP, UNAIDS, WFP, World Bank

Fifth Report on the World Nutrition Situation

The 5th Report continues the tradition of reporting on trends in nutrition throughout the life cycle and of challenging the nutrition community. But instead of asking the question: how is nutrition affected by global changes? the 5th Report asks the question more proactively: how can a nutrition perspective accelerate the attainment of a comprehensive set of...

Published in 2004, by UN Standing Committee on Nutrition

Focusing Resources on Effective School Health: a FRESH start to enhancing the quality and equity of education

In April, 2000,WHO, UNESCO, UNICEF, and the World Bank jointly organized a strategy session at the World Education Forum in Dakar, Senegal. The strategy session was aimed at raising the education sector’s awareness of the value of implementing an effective school health, hygiene and nutrition programme as one of its major strategies to achieve Education...

Published in 2001, by UNESCO, WHO, UNICEF, World Bank

Food and nutrition

This chapter, presents the problems of undernutrition and overnutrition that affect infants and young children under the age of 2 years, manifesting as stunting and anemia. Article published in the publication Health in the Americas, PAHO, 2002.

Published in 2002, by PAHO

Food and the Environment - Tunza Vol. 6 No. 2

Tunza in UNEP's magazine for youth, and this Tunza Vol. 6 No. 2 is a special issue concentrating on themes on food and environment.

Published in 2008, by UNEP

Getting fossil fuels off the plate

This publication is an excerpted chapter from The Post Carbon Reader: Managing the 21st Century’s Sustainability Crises that features essays by some of the world’s most provocative thinkers on the key issues shaping our new century, from renewable energy and urban agriculture to social justice and community resilience.

Published in 2010, by Michael Bomford

Global Health Risks: Mortality and burden of disease attributable to selected major risks

This World Health Organization report states that the leading global risks for mortality in the world are high blood pressure (responsible for 13% of deaths globally), tobacco use (9%), high blood glu­cose (6%), physical inactivity (6%), and overweight and obesity (5%). These risks are responsible for raising the risk of chronic diseases such as heart...

Published in 2009, by WHO

Healthy growth and nutrition in children

Today more than ever, nutrition appears to be a testing ground where differences and inequalities between North and South of the world measure against each other, in particular with regards to childhood. In developed countries, if on the one hand obesity and overweight are dramatically increasing among young people, on the other adults has been affecting...

Published in 2010, by Barilla Center

Identifying, evaluating, and treating overweight and obesity in adults

National Institutes of Health (NIH) of the United States of America recently cooperated on the production of a guide to identifying, evaluating, and treating overweight and obesity in adults. The guide is mainly intended for such health care practitioners as primary care physicians, nurses, registered dietitians, and nutritionists, to help them provide their...

Published in 2001, by PAHO - OPS

Improving Nutrition through Home Gardening: A Training Package for Preparing Field Workers in Southeast Asia

TRAINING COURSE for agricultural extension agents to strengthen their ability to promote home gardening for better family and community nutrition

Published in 1995, by FAO

Insight: Why stunting matters

This technical brief discusses the negative effects of stunting and the steps we can take to prevent them. It is the second in a series of technical briefs that address the continuum of care for good infant and young child feeding, from initiation of early and exclusive breastfeeding through complementary feeding in later infancy and the second year of life....

Published in 2010, by Alive & Thrive

L’alimentation et l’environnement - Tunza Vol. 6 No. 2

Tunza est le magazine du PNUE pour les jeunes, et ce Tunza Vol 6 n ° 2 est un numéro spécial consacré à des questions alimentaires et l'environnement. SOMMAIRE Éditorial La crise de l’alimentation Les héros oubliés TUNZA répond à tes questions Déchets utiles La cuisine bas carbone Nourrir le monde Je retourne vers mon avenir Un...

Published in 2008, by PNUE - UNEP

Los Alimentos y el Medio Ambiente - Tunza Vol. 6 No. 2

Tunza es la revista del PNUMA para los jóvenes, y este Tunza Vol. 6 No. 2 es un número especial centrado en temas de alimentos y el medio ambiente. INDICE Editorial Alimento en crisis Héroes olvidados TUNZA contesta tus preguntas Basura útil Cortando carbono Alimentando el mundo Vuelvo al pasado para mi futuro Un dilema orgánico ...

Published in 2008, by PNUMA - UNEP

Module 7: gestion de la vie familiale, domestique et personnelle

Ce module a pour but d'amener les formateurs/trices à acquérir des compétences de base en matière d’hygiène, de santé, de nutrition, de gestion de l’environnement et des biens en vue d’assurer un meilleur encadrement aux filles et aux femmes en particulier pour l’amélioration de leur cadre de vie.

Published in 2002, by UNESCO

Nutrient requirements for people living with HIV/AIDS: Report of a technical consultation

Guidelines that contains the current consensus view on the nutritional requirements of people living with HIV/AIDS. Please note that knowledge in this area is evolving and these recommendations may well be subject to change in the near future.

Published in 2003, by WHO

Nutrition Policy Discussion Paper No 02 - Delivery of oral doses of vitamin A deficiency and nutritional blindness: A state-of-the-art review

The ACC/SCN State-of-the-Art Series aims to provide authoritative information to help policy-making and implementation of programmes to improve nutrition in the world. This document concerns prevention of vitamin A deficiency, which is the objective of a Ten-Year UN Programme, launched in 1985. It is a coordinated effort between UN and national governments,...

Published in 1987, by UN Standing Committee on Nutrition

Nutrition Policy Discussion Paper No 04 - Women's Role in Food Chain Activities and the Implications for Nutrition

We hope that the wide-ranging information herein will further the crucially important cause of women, specifically in relation to nutrition, in several ways. First, women's central role in providing for adequate nutrition - of families, communities, and indeed nations - in being described here in detail should help to give increased prominence to the need...

Published in 1989, by UN Standing Committee on Nutrition

Nutrition Policy Discussion Paper No 14 - Controlling Vitamin A Deficiency

With the recent publication of "Effectiveness of Vitamin A Supplementation in the Control of Young Child Morbidity and Mortality in Developing Countries" as ACC/SCN Nutrition Policy Discussion Paper No. 13, we now know more about the type and degree of positive benefits of raising vitamin A status among deprived populations. After the findings of the...

Published in 1994, by UN Standing Committee on Nutrition

Nutritional care and support for people living with HIV/AIDS: A training course

A training course for caregivers of PLWHA and their families that focuses on practical nutrition care and communication skills

Published in 2009, by WHO

Promoción del crecimiento para prevenir la desnutrición cronica: Estrategias con Base Comunitaria en Centro América

Los programas de promoción del crecimiento con base comunitaria (PCBC) son aquellos que apoyan el crecimiento de los niños y niñas mediante la consejería individualizada mensual a los padres sobre prácticas de cuidado, alimentación, tratamiento de enfermedades prevalentes y uso apropiado de los servicios de salud. Esta publicación busca servir de...

Published in 2009, by Banco Mundial - World Bank

Recursos Efectivos en Salud Escolar (RESE): un enfoque nuevo para mejorar la calidad y la equidad educativa

En Abril del año 2000 la Organizacion Mundial de la Salud, UNESCO, UNICEF y el Banco Mundial, colaboraron en la organización de una sesión de trabajo conjunto en el Foro Mundial Educativo desarrollado en Dakar, Senegal. Esta sesión estratégica, se propuso la meta de aumentar el interés y la concientización del sector educativo acerca del valor de...

Published in 2001, by UNESCO, OMS - WHO, UNICEF, Banco Mundial - World Bank

SCN News No 07 - Refugees' Nutrition Crisis

The main focus of this SCN News is on refugees' nutrition crisis, as serious problems are experienced in meeting the nutritional needs of refugees. Furthermore, micronutrient intake and its relation to income and prices as well as the link between breastfeeding, birth spacing and nutrition are discussed.

Published in 1991, by UN Standing Committee on Nutrition

SCN News No 08 - Highlights of the World Nutrition Situation

This issue of SCN News summarizes analytical work in the last few years for the Reports on the World Nutrition Situation and elsewhere, on the possibility of using food prices in nutrition monitoring. A second focus is on the long-term effects of improved childhood nutrition.

Published in 1992, by UN Standing Committee on Nutrition

SCN News No 11 - Maternal and Child Nutrition

This SCN News focuses on maternal and child nutrition. Birthweight, child growth and adolescent growth - all needing good nutrition - determine nutritional status before and during pregnancy. Therefore, maternal nutrition influences foetal growth and birthweight, of this and future generations.

Published in 1994, by UN Standing Committee on Nutrition

SCN News No 16 - Nutrition of the School-age Child

This feature brings together a variety of articles, and reports of two new publications on the health and nutrition of school-age children. The papers range in content from the assessment of nutritional status in school-age children, to examples of school-based nutrition and feeding programmes in different countries. The nutritional concerns of school...

Published in 1998, by UN Standing Committee on Nutrition

SCN News No 19 - Nutrition and Healthy Ageing

It is projected that in 20 years there will be twice as many older people in the world, and 70% will live in developing countries. A radical change in our perception is needed: older people are not "burdens" or "problems" needing charity, but rather carers of children, advisers, teachers, guardians of culture, and volunteers for numerous community projects....

Published in 1999, by UN Standing Committee on Nutrition

SCN News No 32 - Tackling the Double Burden of Malnutrition: A Global Agenda

SCN News No 32 - Tackling the Double Burden of Malnutrition: A Global Agenda. This issue provides the outcomes of the 33rd Annual Session focusing on Tackling the Double Burden of Malnutrition. This is the first time the SCN addresses malnutrition in all its forms affecting both the developing and industrialized worlds. The objective was to develop clear...

Published in 2006, by UN Standing Committee on Nutrition

SCN News No 35 - Universal Salt Iodization (USI)

This edition of the SCN News is about one of the greatest success stories in international nutrition, that of Universal Salt Iodization. Although much still remains to be done, remarkable advances have been achieved in the fight against Iodine Deficiency Disorders (IDD) in the last two decades.

Published in 2007, by UN Standing Committee on Nutrition

The cultural dimension of food

The history of man's relationship with food is an extraordinary social and cultural epic. From the discovery of fire that, to quote Levi Strauss “made human beings human”, to the development of national culinary identities that, according to Rozin, represent the nutritional wisdom of the respective cultures, food is the authentic evidence at every...

Published in 2009, by Barilla Center