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The cultural dimension of food

Barilla Center

Published in : 2009

Available in : English

The history of man's relationship with food is an extraordinary social and cultural epic. From the discovery of fire that, to quote Levi Strauss “made human beings human”, to the development of national culinary identities that, according to Rozin, represent the nutritional wisdom of the respective cultures, food is the authentic evidence at every latitude of an ongoing evolutionary process. The document synthetically and effectively covers all the aspects of study of man's relationship with food, focusing in particular on the novel elements (demands of functionality and authenticity of food, definition of dietary styles) that characterize our times and our culture.

Documents :
English (PDF, 1.51Mb)

Originally posted at : Barilla Center Publications

This resource is listed under:

Themes : Diet and lifestyle, general, Nutrition and health/disease, general, Nutrition planning, policy and programme, general, Dietary diversity, Dietary recommendations, Food and nutrition policies and strategies, Food culture, Food culture, Healthy diet, Local foods, Local foods, Local foods, Nutritional requirements , Nutritional requirements

Resource types : Advocacy briefs