Global Reports

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Food Systems and diets: Facing the challenge of the 21st century

30/09/2016 - Food systems and diets: Facing the challenges of the 21st century, published by the Global Panel on Agriculture and Food Systems for Nutrition, uses modelling and trend analysis to describe how diets [...]

From Promise to Impact – Ending Malnutrition by 2030, The Global Nutrition Report 2016

02/07/2016 - The 2016 Global Nutrition Report Report focuses on the theme of making—and measuring— SMART commitments to nutrition and identifying what it will take to end malnutrition in all its forms [...]

HLPE Report on Sustainable Agriculture Development for Food Security and Nutrition: What Roles for Livestock?

01/07/2016 - Agricultural development plays a major role in improving FSN: by increasing the quantity and diversity of food; as a driver of economic transformation; and, because agriculture is the main source of [...]

FAO - Soils and pulses, Symbiosis for life

01/07/2016 - The United Nations (UN) General Assembly declared 2015 the International Year of Soils (IYS) and 2016 the International Year of Pulses (IYP) to increase awareness and understanding on the importance [...]

UNSCN Event: Trade and Nutrition: Opportunities and Risks

10/06/2016 - On 10 June 2016, Michel Mordasini, Chair of UNSCN and Vice-President of IFAD and Ambassador Amira Gornass, Chair of CFS hosted the UNSCN event on "Trade and Nutrition: Opportunities and Risks". More [...]

UNSCN Discussion Paper - Enhancing Coherence between Trade Policy and Nutrition Action

01/05/2016 - In Commitment 11 of the ICN2 Rome Declaration, Member States ‘acknowledge that trade is a key element in achieving food security and nutrition and that trade policies are to be conducive to [...]

Actions and Accountability to Advance Nutrition and Sustainable Development, The Global Nutrition Report 2015

01/07/2015 - The Global Nutrition Report 2015 is a report card on the world’s nutrition—globally, regionally, and country by country—and on efforts to improve it. It assesses countries’ [...]

HLPE Report on Water for Food Security and Nutrition

01/05/2015 - Water is key to human life. It is key to human food security and nutrition. Safe drinking water and sanitation are fundamental to the good nutrition, health and dignity of all. According to the latest [...]

Actions and Accountability to Accelerate the World’s Progress on Nutrition, The Global Nutrition Report 2014

05/07/2014 - Malnutrition affects one in three people on the planet. Of these, 162 million children under the age of five are estimated to be stunted (i.e. low height for age). Two billion people are estimated to [...]

HLPE Report on Sustainable Fisheries and Aquaculture for Food Security and Nutrition

01/06/2014 - The HLPE report Sustainable Fisheries and Aquaculture for Food Security and Nutrition addresses a frequently overlooked but extremely important part of world food and nutrition security: the role and [...]

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Tracking emerging issues
UNSCN Knowledge Management survey results At the beginning of November, the UNSCN Secretariat launched a short survey to collect feedback on a set of publications from the last five years and gain insight into how they have served the needs…
Nutrition in a Digital World Webinar SeriesIn July 2020, UNSCN published the 45th issue of its flagship publication, UNSCN Nutrition, which examines the potential and complexity of the digital world for improved nutrition. Digital technology,…
IUNS 21st International Congress of Nutrition The IUNS 21st International Congress of Nutrition, held in Buenos Aires from 15-20 October 2017 brought together nutritionists from around the world to share state-of-the-art reviews to cutting edge…