UNSCN publications
As part of its advocacy mandate, UNSCN produces a series of publications, such as the UNSCN News, reports on the World Nutrition Situation and Nutrition Policy Papers.
The UNSCN publications reach some 10,000 nutrition practitioners, programme managers and development workers around the world to provide them with cutting edge information on the latest news on food and nutrition policy and programming.
To access earlier UNSCN publications, visit the archive section.
UNSCN Discussion Paper - Water and Nutrition. Harmonizing actions for the UN Decade of Action on Nutrition and the UN Water Action Decade
13/02/2020 - Progress for both SDG 2 and SDG 6 has been unsatisfactory, with several indicators worsening over time, including an increase in the number of undernourished, overweight and obese people, as well [...]
UNSCN Discussion Paper Urban-Rural Linkages for Nutrition. Territorial approaches for sustainable development
11/02/2020 - The nutrition challenges facing the world of today are daunting. One out of three people suffers from at least one form of malnutrition, and current trends suggest this may increase in the coming [...]
UNSCN Brief “Non-communicable diseases, diets and nutrition”
28/06/2018 - Non-communicable diseases (NCDs) are now the leading cause of mortality worldwide; they are responsible for 70% of global deaths; equivalent to 40 million people. The health and economic repercussions [...]
Guidance Note on Integration of Nutrition in the United Nations Development Assistance Framework (renamed Cooperation Framework)
02/01/2018 - The purpose of this Guidance Note is to assist United Nations Country Teams (UNCTs) with the integration of nutrition into the United Nations Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework that [...]
UNSCN Discussion Paper - Schools as a System to Improve Nutrition
05/10/2017 - Given the changing circumstances in the nutrition landscape, there is a need to reassess and reiterate the role of the schools in improving health and nutritional status of children. This discussion [...]
UNSCN Discussion Paper - Sustainable Diets for Healthy People and a Healthy Planet
13/09/2017 - Climate change is one of the greatest challenges facing all nations today leading to not only environmental but also economic and social consequences. It has increased the risk of weather-related [...]
Guidance Note for UN Humanitarian Coordinators: Integrated multi-sectoral nutrition actions - Nutrition Cluster
31/05/2017 - Integrated multi-sectoral nutrition actions to achieve global and national nutrition-related SDG targets, particularly in fragile and conflict-affected states Reaching the most vulnerable populations [...]
UNSCN Discussion Paper - By 2030, end all forms of malnutrition and leave no one behind
18/04/2017 - The paper aims to present the centrality of nutrition in the current sustainable development agenda. It provides an overview of the numerous and inter-related nutrition targets that have been [...]
UNSCN Discussion Paper - Global Governance for Nutrition and the role of UNSCN
27/03/2017 - This paper aims to describe the current nutrition architecture and provides a detailed overview of the main nutrition actors and their mandate. It highlights the role of UNSCN in the architecture [...]
UNSCN Discussion Paper - Impact Assessment of Policies to support Healthy Food Environments and Healthy Diets
02/09/2016 - Outcomes and processes for accountability are sorely needed for assessing the impact of food systems policies on nutrition. The Framework for Action includes an adopted set of recommendations on [...]
UNSCN Discussion Paper - Investments for Healthy Food Systems
01/09/2016 - In the ICN2 Rome Declaration Commitment 15, Member States committed to ‘increase investments for effective interventions and actions to improve people's diets and nutrition, including in [...]
UNSCN Discussion Paper - Enhancing Coherence between Trade Policy and Nutrition Action
01/05/2016 - In Commitment 11 of the ICN2 Rome Declaration, Member States ‘acknowledge that trade is a key element in achieving food security and nutrition and that trade policies are to be conducive to [...]
UN Country Level Programmatic Guidelines
01/07/2015 - UNDAF Guidance on Nutrition - Review Study The United Nations Development Assistance Framework (UNDAF) is the strategic programme framework that describes the collective response of the UN system to [...]
Sustainable Food Systems and Health - The convenient truth of addressing climate change while promoting health
01/06/2015 - Feeding the world sustainably and promoting good nutrition and health under a changing climate is one of the main challenges of our time. Changes in dietary patterns towards more production and [...]
OWG Nutrition & Post-2015 Agenda
01/09/2014 - The Open Working Group (OWG) on Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), formed as an outcome of the Rio+20 Conference, concluded its mandate in September 2014 by delivering a report containing a [...]