Global Reports


UNSCN Discussion Paper - Enhancing Coherence between Trade Policy and Nutrition Action

In Commitment 11 of the ICN2 Rome Declaration, Member States ‘acknowledge that trade is a key element in achieving food security and nutrition and that trade policies are to be conducive to fostering food security and nutrition for all, through a fair and market-oriented world trade system, and reaffirm the need to refrain from unilateral measures not in accordance with international law, including the Charter of the United Nations, and which endanger food security and nutrition, as stated in the 1996 Rome Declaration.' The Framework for Action includes two recommendations for international trade: Recommendation 17 and Recommendation 18.

Purpose of the paper: 
With a nutrition-centric perspective, this discussion paper takes a first step towards exploring the question: What actions do policy makers need to take to enhance coherence between trade policy and nutrition action? Given the emphasis of recent and current trade policy on opening up trade, it focuses on policies to liberalize trade through global and regional agreements. It highlights four actions policy makers can take to enhance coherence between trade policy and nutrition action. The paper ends with eight specific recommendations for key actors relevant to trade and nutrition. 

The full discussion paper and executive summary can be downloaded here: 

Discussion paper: English, Spanish, French, Arabic, Russian, Chinese

Policy brief: English, Spanish, French, Arabic, Russian, Chinese

Corinna Hawkes PhD, Professor of Food Policy, Director, Centre for Food, City University London, and Co-chair of the Global Nutrition Report's International Expert Group.

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