
IUNS 21st International Congress of Nutrition

The IUNS 21st International Congress of Nutrition, held in Buenos Aires from 15-20 October 2017 brought together nutritionists from around the world to share state-of-the-art reviews to cutting edge nutritional science information. The attendance by UNSCN members was significant and included their involvement in the organisation of more than 15 workshops ranging from the latest on tracking and monitoring tools to ways to address all forms of malnutrition throughout the lifecycle.

Ms. Stineke Oenema, UNSCN Coordinator was present at the event to support the UNICEF and WHO seminar No Time to Waste: Progress and Road Ahead for Care for Severely Malnourished Children. She also organized a seminar about The Changing Nutrition Landscape: Implications for Research at which several speakers from civil society, the private sector and the Global Nutrition Report provided their perspectives on the theme. Ms. Oenema also shared the latest work of UNSCN on identifying, tracking and address emerging issues related to nutrition.

She challenged participants by asking whether the current research covered by knowledge platforms and the academic research community are enough to support the intensification of sustainable actions and results to ultimately lead to the elimination of all forms of malnutrition in 2030. The ultimate goal of this effort being to push the research community to come forward and fill these knowledge gaps.

The IUNS-ICN International Congress of Nutrition is a four yearly meeting held since 1946. Find out more about the event here.

Photo by ©FAO/Alessandra Benedetti.

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