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Indicators for assessing infant and young child feeding practices. Conclusions of a consensus meeting held 6-8 November 2007 in Washington, DC.


Published in : 2007

Available in : English, French, Spanish

Presents eight core and seven optimal indicators for assessing feeding practices in children 0 to 24 months of age, and includes an update of indicators presented in the WHO/UNICEF document Indicators for assessing breastfeeding practices (1991), as well as important new indicators for assessing feeding practices in children 6 to less than 24 months of age. It reflects the conclusions of a consensus meeting hosted by WHO in Washington in November 2007

Documents :
Part I : Definitions (English) (PDF, 426.33Kb)
Part I : Definitions (French) (PDF, 426.93Kb)
Part I : Definitions (Spanish) (PDF, 439.58Kb)
Part II : Measurement (English) (PDF, 1.19Mb)
Part III : Country Profiles (PDF, 937.64Kb)

Originally posted at : WHO - Publications

This resource is listed under:

Themes : Breastfeeding, general, Complementary feeding, general, Emergency, general, Interventions, general, Nutrition planning, policy and programme, general, Breastfeeding counseling, Breastfeeding counseling, Dietary recommendations, Exclusive breastfeeding, Food and nutrition policies and strategies, HTP module 17, Infant feeding in emergencies, Infant formula / BMS, Infant, Young Child Feeding, Programmes

Life-cycle focus : Lactation, Infancy

Resource types : Assessments, surveys and indicators, Meeting reports, Reports