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Guidelines for Selective Feeding: The Management of Malnutrition in Emergencies - Annotated Bibliography


Published in : 2009

Available in : English

This annotated bibliography is a guide to the various publications used in revising the “UNHCR/WFP Guidelines for Selective Feeding Programmes in Emergency Situations” published in 1999. The references included in this annotated bibliography cover documents published between 1999 and 2008.

Documents :
Guidelines for Selective Feeding: The Management of Malnutrition in Emergencies - Annotated Bibliography (PDF, 2.71Mb)

This resource is listed under:

Themes : Emergency, general, Micronutrients, general, Nutrition and health/disease, general, Nutrition and HIV/AIDS, general, Nutrition assessments and M&E, general, Nutrition planning, policy and programme, general, Food Rations, Micronutrient deficiencies, Micronutrient deficiencies, Treatment of severe acute malnutrition, Treatment of severe acute malnutrition

Resource types : Scientific/background documents

Working groups : Nutrition in Emergencies