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Location: Rwanda

Assessing micronutrient deficiencies in emergencies-Current practice and future directions

This document explores options available for investigating micronutrient deficiencies, draws attention to the best practices and includes references to practical tools and guidelines.

Published in 2007, by UN Standing Committee on Nutrition

HarvestPlus - Le haricot

Des millions d’Africains souffrent de carence en fer ou d’anémie ferriprive. En bas âge, pendant l’enfance et durant l’adolescence, cette carence entrave la croissance physique et l’endurance, le développement mental, ainsi que les capacités d’apprentissage. Pour plus de 300 millions de personnes, le haricot joue un rôle important dans le...

Published in 2009, by HarvestPlus

HarvestPlus Bean Strategy

Millions of Africans suffer from iron deficiency and iron deficiency anemia. During infancy, childhood, and adolescence, this deficiency impairs physical growth and endurance, mental development, and learning capacity. For more than 300 million people, beans are an important part of the diet, especially in regions of Africa and Meso- and South America. The...

Published in 2009, by HarvestPlus

HIV/AIDS, TB and Nutrition - Scientific enquiry into the nutritional influences on human immunity with special reference to HIV infection and active TB in South Africa.

A fascinating evidence based account reviewing research of how malnutrition and HIV and TB interrelate, and the importance of intensive nutritional support for people with HIV.

Published in 2007, by ASSAf

Lessons from Rwanda - Lessons for Today

Following the 1994 genocide in Rwanda the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs initiated a comprehensive evaluation of the international response. The findings were highly critical of nearly all the international actors. Ten years after the genocide the Ministry commissioned this assessment of the impact and influence of the evaluation. It concludes that the...

Published in 2005, by DANIDA

Nutrition Policy Discussion Paper No 04 - Women's Role in Food Chain Activities and the Implications for Nutrition

We hope that the wide-ranging information herein will further the crucially important cause of women, specifically in relation to nutrition, in several ways. First, women's central role in providing for adequate nutrition - of families, communities, and indeed nations - in being described here in detail should help to give increased prominence to the need...

Published in 1989, by UN Standing Committee on Nutrition

Refugee Nutrition Information System No 01 - Report on the Nutrition Situation of Refugee and Displaced Populations

The UN ACC/SCN decided to set up an information system to track the nutrition of refugees and displaced people. Distributing this information should help to bring action to improve the situation. This is the first of a regular series of reports, to be issued every two months, starting with the problems in Africa.

Published in 1993, by UN Standing Committee on Nutrition

Refugee Nutrition Information System No 02 - Report on the Nutrition Situation of Refugee and Displaced Populations

The UN ACC/SCN decided to set up an information system to track the nutrition of refugees and displaced people. Distributing this information should help to bring action to improve the situation. This is the second of a regular series of reports, issued every two months, starting with the problems in Africa. The information available is mainly about...

Published in 1993, by UN Standing Committee on Nutrition

Refugee Nutrition Information System No 03 - Report on the Nutrition Situation of Refugee and Displaced Populations

The UN ACC/SCN decided to set up an information system to track the nutrition of refugees and displaced people. Distributing this information should help to bring action to improve the situation. This is the third of a regular series of reports, issued every two months, starting with the problems in Africa.

Published in 1994, by UN Standing Committee on Nutrition

Refugee Nutrition Information System No 04 - Report on the Nutrition Situation of Refugee and Displaced Populations

The UN ACC/SCN decided to set up an information system to track the nutrition of refugees and displaced people. Distributing this information should help to bring action to improve the situation. This is the fourth of a regular series of reports, to be issued every two months, starting with the problems in Africa.

Published in 1994, by UN Standing Committee on Nutrition

Refugee Nutrition Information System No 05 - Report on the Nutrition Situation of Refugee and Displaced Populations

The UN ACC/SCN decided to set up an information system to track the nutrition of refugees and displaced people. Distributing this information should help to bring action to improve the situation. This is the fifth of a regular series of reports, issued every two months. This report is the first in the series to include reports on some Asian refugees and...

Published in 1994, by UN Standing Committee on Nutrition

Refugee Nutrition Information System No 06 - Report on the Nutrition Situation of Refugee and Displaced Populations

The UN ACC/SCN decided to set up an information system to track the nutrition of refugees and displaced people. Distributing this information should help to bring action to improve the situation. This is the sixth of a regular series of reports, issued every two months. This report is the second in the series to include reports on some Asian refugees and...

Published in 1994, by UN Standing Committee on Nutrition

Refugee Nutrition Information System No 07 - Report on the Nutrition Situation of Refugee and Displaced Populations

The UN ACC/SCN decided to set up an information system to track the nutrition of refugees and displaced people. Distributing this information should help to bring action to improve the situation. This is the seventh of a regular series of reports, issued every two months. This report is the third in the series to include reports on some Asian refugees and...

Published in 1994, by UN Standing Committee on Nutrition

Refugee Nutrition Information System No 08 - Report on the Nutrition Situation of Refugee and Displaced Populations

Every two months, The UN ACC/SCN issues these reports on the nutrition of refugees and displaced people. Distributing this information is intended to raise awareness and facilitate action to improve the situation. This is the eighth of a regular series of reports, and is the fourth in the series to include reports on some Asian refugees and displaced people.

Published in 1994, by UN Standing Committee on Nutrition

Refugee Nutrition Information System No 09 - Report on the Nutrition Situation of Refugee and Displaced Populations

Every two months, the UN ACC/SCN issues these reports on the nutrition of refugees and displaced people. Distributing this information is intended to raise awareness and facilitate action to improve the situation. This is the ninth of a regular series of reports, and is the fifth in the series to include reports on some Asian refugees and displaced people.

Published in 1995, by UN Standing Committee on Nutrition

Refugee Nutrition Information System No 10 - Report on the Nutrition Situation of Refugee and Displaced Populations

Every two months, the UN ACC/SCN issues these reports on the nutrition of refugees and displaced people. Distributing this information is intended to raise awareness and facilitate action to improve the situation. This is the tenth of a regular series of reports, and is the sixth in the series to include reports on some Asian refugees and displaced people.

Published in 2009, by UN Standing Committee on Nutrition

Refugee Nutrition Information System No 11 - Report on the Nutrition Situation of Refugee and Displaced Populations

Every two months, the UN ACC/SCN issues these reports on the nutrition of refugees and displaced people. Distributing this information is intended to raise awareness and facilitate action to improve the situation. This is the eleventh of a regular series of reports, and is the seventh in the series to include reports on some Asian refugees and displaced people.

Published in 1995, by UN Standing Committee on Nutrition

Refugee Nutrition Information System No 12 - Report on the Nutrition Situation of Refugee and Displaced Populations

The UN ACC/SCN issues these reports on the nutrition of refugees and displaced people normally every two months. Distributing this information is intended to raise awareness and facilitate action to improve the situation. This is the twelfth of a regular series of reports. Information is obtained from a wide range of collaborating agencies, both UN and NGO....

Published in 1995, by UN Standing Committee on Nutrition

Refugee Nutrition Information System No 13 - Report on the Nutrition Situation of Refugee and Displaced Populations

The UN ACC/SCN issues these reports on the nutrition of refugees and displaced people normally every two months. Distributing this information is intended to raise awareness and facilitate action to improve the situation. This is the thirteenth of a regular series of reports. Information is obtained from a wide range of collaborating agencies, both UN and...

Published in 1995, by UN Standing Committee on Nutrition

Refugee Nutrition Information System No 14 - Report on the Nutrition Situation of Refugee and Displaced Populations

The UN ACC/SCN issues these reports on the nutrition of refugees and displaced people normally every two months. Distributing this information is intended to raise awareness and facilitate action to improve the situation. This is the fourteenth of a regular series of reports. Information is obtained from a wide range of collaborating agencies, both UN and...

Published in 1996, by UN Standing Committee on Nutrition

Refugee Nutrition Information System No 15 - Report on the Nutrition Situation of Refugee and Displaced Populations

The UN ACC/SCN issues these reports on the nutrition of refugees and displaced people normally every two months. Distributing this information is intended to raise awareness and facilitate action to improve the situation. This is the fifteenth of a regular series of reports. Information is obtained from a wide range of collaborating agencies, both UN and...

Published in 1996, by UN Standing Committee on Nutrition

Refugee Nutrition Information System No 16 - Report on the Nutrition Situation of Refugee and Displaced Populations

The UN ACC/SCN issues these reports on the nutrition of refugees and displaced people with the intention of raising awareness and facilitating action to improve the situation. This is the sixteenth of a regular series of reports. Information is obtained from a wide range of collaborating agencies, both UN and NGO. The information available is mainly about...

Published in 1996, by UN Standing Committee on Nutrition

Refugee Nutrition Information System No 17 - Report on the Nutrition Situation of Refugee and Displaced Populations

The UN ACC/SCN issues these reports on the nutrition of refugees and displaced people with the intention of raising awareness and facilitating action to improve the situation. This is the seventeenth of a regular series of reports. Information is obtained from a wide range of collaborating agencies, both UN and NGO. The information available is mainly about...

Published in 1996, by UN Standing Committee on Nutrition

Refugee Nutrition Information System No 18 - Report on the Nutrition Situation of Refugee and Displaced Populations

The UN ACC/SCN issues these reports on the nutrition of refugees and displaced people with the intention of raising awareness and facilitating action to improve the situation. This is the eightteenth of a regular series of reports. Information is obtained from a wide range of collaborating agencies, both UN and NGO. The information available is mainly about...

Published in 1996, by UN Standing Committee on Nutrition

Refugee Nutrition Information System No 19 - Report on the Nutrition Situation of Refugee and Displaced Populations

The UN ACC/SCN issues these reports on the nutrition of refugees and displaced people with the intention of raising awareness and facilitating action to improve the situation. This is the nineteenth of a regular series of reports. Information is obtained from a wide range of collaborating agencies, both UN and NGO. The information available is mainly about...

Published in 1997, by UN Standing Committee on Nutrition

Refugee Nutrition Information System No 20 - Report on the Nutrition Situation of Refugee and Displaced Populations

The UN ACC/SCN issues these reports on the nutrition of refugees and displaced people with the intention of raising awareness and facilitating action to improve the situation. This is the twentieth of a regular series of reports. Information is obtained from a wide range of collaborating agencies, both UN and NGO. The information available is mainly about...

Published in 1997, by UN Standing Committee on Nutrition

Refugee Nutrition Information System No 21 - Report on the Nutrition Situation of Refugee and Displaced Populations

The UN ACC/SCN issues these reports on the nutrition of refugees and displaced people with the intention of raising awareness and facilitating action to improve the situation. This is the twenty first of a regular series of reports. Information is obtained from a wide range of collaborating agencies, both UN and NGO. The information available is mainly about...

Published in 1997, by UN Standing Committee on Nutrition

Refugee Nutrition Information System No 22 - Report on the Nutrition Situation of Refugee and Displaced Populations

The UN ACC/SCN issues these reports on the nutrition of refugees and displaced people with the intention of raising awareness and facilitating action to improve the situation. This is the nineteenth of a regular series of reports. Information is obtained from a wide range of collaborating agencies, both UN and NGO. The information available is mainly about...

Published in 1997, by UN Standing Committee on Nutrition

Refugee Nutrition Information System No 23 - Report on the Nutrition Situation of Refugee and Displaced Populations

The UN ACC/SCN issues these reports on the nutrition of refugees and displaced people with the intention of raising awareness and facilitating action to improve the situation. This is the twenty third of a regular series of reports. Information is obtained from a wide range of collaborating agencies, both UN and NGO. The information available is mainly about...

Published in 1998, by UN Standing Committee on Nutrition

Refugee Nutrition Information System No 24 - Report on the Nutrition Situation of Refugee and Displaced Populations

The UN ACC/SCN issues these reports on the nutrition of refugees and displaced people with the intention of raising awareness and facilitating action to improve the situation. This is the twenty fourth of a regular series of reports. Information is obtained from a wide range of collaborating agencies, both UN and NGO. The information available is mainly...

Published in 1998, by UN Standing Committee on Nutrition

Refugee Nutrition Information System No 25 - Report on the Nutrition Situation of Refugee and Displaced Populations

This issue of the RNIS Report reviews some of the changes in emergency response over the last five years. It starts by highlighting situations where wasting was brought rapidly under control. It then looks at some of the factors that have led to less than optimal results, followed by what has been accomplished to improve response over the last five years. It...

Published in 1998, by UN Standing Committee on Nutrition

Refugee Nutrition Information System No 26 - Report on the Nutrition Situation of Refugee and Displaced Populations

The UN ACC/SCN issues these reports on the nutrition of refugees and displaced people with the intention of raising awareness and facilitating action to improve the situation. This is the twenty sixth of a regular series of reports. Information is obtained from a wide range of collaborating agencies, both UN and NGO. The information available is mainly about...

Published in 1999, by UN Standing Committee on Nutrition

Refugee Nutrition Information System No 27 - Report on the Nutrition Situation of Refugee and Displaced Populations

The UN ACC/SCN issues these reports on the nutrition of refugees and displaced people with the intention of raising awareness and facilitating action to improve the situation. This is the twenty seventh of a regular series of reports. Information is obtained from a wide range of collaborating agencies, both UN and NGO. The information available is mainly...

Published in 1999, by UN Standing Committee on Nutrition

Refugee Nutrition Information System No 28 - Report on the Nutrition Situation of Refugee and Displaced Populations

The UN ACC/SCN issues these reports on the nutrition of refugees and displaced people with the intention of raising awareness and facilitating action to improve the situation. This is the twenty eighth of a regular series of reports. Information is obtained from a wide range of collaborating agencies, both UN and NGO. The information available is mainly...

Published in 1999, by UN Standing Committee on Nutrition

Refugee Nutrition Information System No 29 - Report on the Nutrition Situation of Refugee and Displaced Populations

The UN ACC/SCN issues these reports on the nutrition of refugees and displaced people with the intention of raising awareness and facilitating action to improve the situation. This is the twenty ninth of a regular series of reports. Information is obtained from a wide range of collaborating agencies, both UN and NGO. The information available is mainly about...

Published in 1999, by UN Standing Committee on Nutrition

Refugee Nutrition Information System No 30 - Report on the Nutrition Situation of Refugee and Displaced Populations

The UN ACC/SCN issues these reports on the nutrition of refugees and displaced people with the intention of raising awareness and facilitating action to improve the situation. This is the thirtieth of a regular series of reports. Information is obtained from a wide range of collaborating agencies, both UN and NGO. The information available is mainly about...

Published in 2000, by UN Standing Committee on Nutrition

Refugee Nutrition Information System No 31 - Report on the Nutrition Situation of Refugee and Displaced Populations

The UN ACC/SCN issues these reports on the nutrition of refugees and displaced people with the intention of raising awareness and facilitating action to improve the situation. This is the thirty-first of a regular series of reports. Information is obtained from a wide range of collaborating agencies, both UN and NGO. The information available is mainly about...

Published in 2000, by UN Standing Committee on Nutrition

Refugee Nutrition Information System No 32 and 33 - Report on the Nutrition Situation of Refugee and Displaced Populations

The UN ACC/SCN issues these reports on the nutrition of refugees and displaced people with the intention of raising awareness and facilitating action to improve the situation. Information is obtained from a wide range of collaborating agencies, both UN and NGO. The information available is mainly about nutrition, health, and survival in refugee and displaced...

Published in 2001, by UN Standing Committee on Nutrition

SCN News No 20 - Nutrition and Agriculture

This issue of SCN News deals with nutrition and agriculture.

Published in 2000, by UN Standing Committee on Nutrition

SCN News No 33 - Diet-related Chronic Diseases and the Double Burden of Malnutrition in West Africa

This issue of the SCN News features the papers presented at the Nutrition Forum meeting in Cape Verde. This is the results of a new collaborative arrangement between the SCN and the West African Health Organization (WAHO) of the Economic Community of Western African States (ECOWAS). The Nutrition Forum of ECOWAS brings together the nutrition focal points of...

Published in 2006, by UN Standing Committee on Nutrition

Third Report on the World Nutrition Situation

This Third Report on the World Nutrition Situation is part of a series of SCN reports initiated in the mid 80s on nutritional status of populations in developing countries. The centrepiece of earlier reports was estimates of regional trends in underweight of preschool children. This Third Report presents, for the first time, information on global and...

Published in 1997, by UN Standing Committee on Nutrition

Update on the Nutrition Situation - 1994

This report updates the results given in the Second Report on the World Nutrition Situation. New data available at country level1 give recent trends in prevalences of underweight children, as the main nutritional indicator, in 18 countries. These can be compared with those reported in Volume II, to give a total of 46 national trend estimates for the 1980s...

Published in 1994, by UN Standing Committee on Nutrition

Update on the Nutrition Situation - Recent Trends in Nutrition in 33 Countries

The report aims to describe recent trends in nutrition and certain potential determining factors, country-by-country. The approach is unavoidably ad hoc, due to the variable availability of data. Selected indicators of likely determinants of year-to-year change are emphasized, especially related to economic stress. Such factors are thought to be having...

Published in 1989, by UN Standing Committee on Nutrition