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Refugee Nutrition Information System No 04 - Report on the Nutrition Situation of Refugee and Displaced Populations

UN Standing Committee on Nutrition

Published in : 1994

Available in : English

The UN ACC/SCN decided to set up an information system to track the nutrition of refugees and displaced people. Distributing this information should help to bring action to improve the situation. This is the fourth of a regular series of reports, to be issued every two months, starting with the problems in Africa.

Documents :
RNIS_No_4.pdf (PDF, 870.23Kb)

Originally posted at : UNSCN - Publications

This resource is listed under:

Themes : Emergency, general, Undernutrition, general, Micronutrient deficiencies, Micronutrient deficiencies, Underweight, Wasting

Resource types : Assessments, surveys and indicators, Databases, Reports

Working groups : Micronutrients, Nutrition in Emergencies