The UN Decade of Action on Nutrition 2016-2025


FAO commits to the Nutrition Decade

In line with its organizational mandate to “rais[e] levels of nutrition”, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) commits to the Nutrition Decade as a means to reinvigorate this fundamental vocation.

As co-convener of the implementation of ICN2 and the Nutrition Decade, FAO will focus its efforts to the following priority areas.

  1. Strengthening national information systems for informed policy-making
  2. Supporting countries with policy and technical assistance to strengthen the focus on nutrition in their agricultural policies and investments
  3. Supporting and building capacity of countries to promote Healthy Diets
  4. Supporting countries to incorporate a food systems approach as a sustainable way of addressing malnutrition in all its forms
  5. Strengthening and promoting nutrition governance, accountability and communication

For further information, we welcome you to read the full commitment here.

