Human Rights
The UNSCN Strategic Plan (2016-2020) states that UNSCN is guided by the human rights framework, particularly the right to adequate food and nutrition and it acknowledges that gender equality and realisation of women’s rights are central to achieve nutrition goals. Human rights should be respected, protected and promoted at all times, including in fragile and emergency contexts.
Agenda 2030 addresses malnutrition explicitly in Sustainable Development Goal 2: End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture. However, it also includes a specific goal on inequalities, Goal 10: Reduce Inequalities within and among countries. ‘Leaving no one behind’ is a key principle of the post-2015 framework. It calls for the implementation of the 2030 Agenda to target all people, without bias or discrimination, to go beyond ‘averages’ and address inequalities of opportunity and outcome. The idea is to meet the Agenda’s goals for everyone, regardless of gender, race, caste, ethnic group, class, religion, disability, age, geographical location, sexual orientation and identity, health or any other status.
Agenda 2030 is designed to prompt action towards realizing food and nutrition for all, meaning that everyone should have access to an adequate diet that is healthy, nutritious, affordable and culturally appropriate. These global commitments to tackle malnutrition are rooted in the conviction that every human being has a right to adequate food and nutrition, and that not realizing this right makes other fundamental rights more difficult to uphold (right to survival, right to development, right to health). While there has been significant progress on reducing poverty and hunger at the global level in recent decades, malnutrition remains a day-to-day crisis, with one in three people malnourished in one form or another.
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