Climate Change and Nutrition


Making Agriculture and Food Systems Nutrition‐sensitive and Climate-smart

Side Event to the 40th Session of FAO Conference hosted by FAO, The Netherlands and UNSCN

Transforming food systems to become more nutrition-sensitive and climate-smart calls for multiple interventions and requires collective actions. Strengthening policy frameworks and institutional arrangements while ensuring coherence at a crosssectoral and inter-ministerial/inter-institutional level will be critical to leveraging both public and private sector investments to enable a transformational change in food systems. Increasing financial investments will be critical for enabling synergies between nutrition-sensitive and climate-smart agriculture and food systems.

The objective of this side event is to bring attention to the convergence between actions to address climate change and malnutrition, and present options for response through a food systems approach illustrated by country examples.

The event will be webcast :

Provisional Agenda


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