Climate Change and Nutrition


Nutrition security of urban populations: A call for attention and joint action by UNSCN

In the 2012 UNSCN Statement Nutrition Security of Urban Populations, UNSCN calls for increased attention, awareness and research on urban nutrition as well as for an effective engagement and intersectoral and multi stakeholder collaboration leading to an efficient use of urban resources. Rural- urban linkages need to be enhanced. Successful urban nutrition initiatives need to be better documented and more widely shared. Cities need to be empowered to do more, better and now.

This 2012 UNSCN Statement builds on the 2006 Statement “The double burden of malnutrition: a challenge for cities worldwide” and considers new challenges such as the effects of climate change on our food systems and livelihoods, the specific needs of women and the importance of promoting sustainable, healthy diets.



Nutrition security of urban populations: A call for attention and joint action by UNSCN

United Nations System Standing Committee on Nutrition


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