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UNSCN Discussion Paper - Global Governance for Nutrition and the role of UNSCN

This paper aims to describe the current nutrition architecture and provides a detailed overview of the main nutrition actors and their mandate. It highlights the role of UNSCN in the architecture focusing on the UN. 

Given the evolving nutrition landscape and the many direct and in-direct nutrition-related agendas that are being pursued by a variety of state and non-state actors at the international, national and sub-national levels, it is timely that, as the ‘strategic nerve centre of the UN’ and the UN committee tasked with setting the direction, scale, coherence and impact of the UN system response to the nutrition problems globally, the UNSCN assesses the state of play in the global nutrition landscape and the governance arrangements therein.

This report comprises the stock-taking’s primary deliverable, and aims to:

  • Describe the public and private actors as well as the networks of actors who impact nutrition agendas globally, and
  • Provide recommendations regarding the role of UNSCN within a global governance system, with an emphasis on UN system actors.

Discussion paper: English, Spanish, French, Arabic, Russian, Chinese

Professor Sharon Friel, School of Regulation and Global Governance (RegNet), Australian National University