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Food Systems and diets: Facing the challenge of the 21st century

Food systems and diets: Facing the challenges of the 21st century, published by the Global Panel on Agriculture and Food Systems for Nutrition, uses modelling and trend analysis to describe how diets and food systems could change by 2030.

Drawing on over 250 data sources and peer-reviewed articles, the report provides recommendations for policymakers in low and middle income countries, through a ‘Call to Action’. This is supplemented by an article in Nature listing 10 specific priorities for research.

Food systems need to be repositioned from feeding people to nourishing people, through actions that go beyond agriculture to encompass trade, the environment and health, harnessing the power of the private sector and empowering consumers to demand better diets.

Changing food systems, now and in the future, to deliver high quality, safe diets that do not undermine the environmental basis for nourishing future generations, will have multiple, positive economic health and social impacts. But a policy response, on the scale and commitment used to tackle HIV/AIDS and malaria will be required to meet this challenge.


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Global Panel on Agriculture and Food Systems for Nutrition