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ECOSOC 2019 Management Segment

6-7 June 2019
New York

The Management Segment serves the following functions:

  • The review of the reports of the Council’s subsidiary and expert bodies; these include the reports of all Functional Commissions, the Regional Commissions, the Committee on Non-Governmental Organizations, as well as expert and ad hoc bodies. 
  • The system-wide coordination and review of specific development issues, with a view to promoting a more integrated response to specific areas (for example, gender mainstreaming or non-communicable diseases).
  • The consideration of special country situation or regional issues which are on the agenda of ECOSOC (including the work of its Ad Hoc Advisory Group on Haiti). 

On 6th June, in accordance with its mandate, UNSCN will present the Report for 2018.
The Report is available in all UN official languages.

Draft Programme

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