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Call for Contributions – UNSCN News

Deadline 10 February 2017

The 2017 issue of UNSCN NEWS will focus on the UN Decade of Action on Nutrition (2016–2025).

Proclaimed by the UN General Assembly in April 2015, the Decade serves as powerful rallying point for consolidated action on nutrition. Under the normative framework of the Second International Conference on Nutrition and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, the Decade marks a ten years window of opportunity to accelerate specific activities in countries and to connect the independent initiatives of governments and their many partners. By improving the quality of commitments for nutrition, we can work to ensure that all people at all times and at all stages of life have access to affordable, diversified, safe and healthy diets.

We are looking for contributions on, but not restricted to, the six pillars identified in the ICN2 Framework for Action. These six pillars are:

  • Sustainable food systems for healthy diets;
  • Aligned health systems providing universal coverage of essential nutrition actions;
  • Social protection and nutrition education;
  • Trade and investment for improved nutrition;
  • Enabling food and breastfeeding environments; and
  • Review, strengthen and promote nutrition governance and accountability.

We welcome contributions on the following categories:

Feature articles: 3,000 words articles related to the general topic of the publication. The articles will be submitted to peer review and can include conceptual contributions or practical examples of policies and programmes.

Programme News: 400 words briefs with information from partners and agencies on programme developments, such as initiatives at regional or national level, NGO programmes, new tools to be used in nutrition programmes, etc. Abstracts of scientific papers are not accepted.

Publications: recent publications of relevance to nutrition, including manuals, tools and guidelines that are usually not found in regular bookstores. Max. 200 words per submission.

Bulletin Board: announcements of upcoming meetings, conferences, trainings, scholarships, etc. Max. 100 words per submission.

Speaker's Corner: 1,500 words articles with the authors’ views regarding a particular hot topic in nutrition policy or programme. The section sometimes features a counterpoint by another author holding an opposite opinion to stimulate debate on important issues.

Please send your contributions electronically to the SCN News to with the title “SCN NEWS 42 Proposal”. For editorial information, please refer to the SCN News Guidelines for Contributors available here.

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