UNSCN Strategy and Objectives

To achieve the ambitious goals of the Agenda 2030, the coming few years will be decisive on a number of fronts. It will require a mobilization of energies and resources and follow through in shaping and delivering robust work plans and ultimately, successful programmes. In this regard, consistent with its mandate and continued inter-agency efforts, the UNSCN will contribute to the global nutrition agenda along the following lines:

Strategic Objective 1: Maximize UN policy coherence and advocacy on nutrition

UNSCN will provide global strategic leadership to strengthen policy coherence on nutrition across the UN system, through dialogue, research and policy briefs, as well as through rallying UN agencies around unified positions.

In addition to increased coherence in nutrition policy, another expected result is to have more effective UN advocacy on nutrition. UNSCN will also seek out and facilitate exchanges of views and experience on issues related to nutrition, water and sanitation, social protection, and food and health systems, with other (non-UN) stakeholders. This will be done through existing platforms, such as the Committee on World Food Security (CFS), the Inter Agency Task Force on the Prevention and Control of Non-Communicable Diseases (IATF), the 10 Year Framework Program on Sustainable Consumption and Production (SFSP) and the Scaling-Up Nutrition (SUN) Movement. In addition, UNSCN will selectively engage in global “non-nutrition” forums to raise awareness on the impact of other sectors on nutrition (e.g. climate and trade).

Strategic Objective 2: Support consistent and accountable delivery by the UN system

Harmonizing UN methodologies, guidelines, policies and strategies to better respond to the needs of countries is key to helping them achieve their nutrition goals. UNSCN will contribute to this goal by fostering joint global actions, partnership and mutual accountability between UN agencies, working closely with the UN Network for SUN, which is mobilizing UN action at country level.

UNSCN will also support FAO and WHO by mobilising other relevant UN agencies to ensure a robust and coherent response and engagement of the UN system in implementing and monitoring of the outcomes of the 2025 WHA and ICN2, in the broad context of contributing effectively to the achievement of the SDGs. The envisaged Decade for Action for Nutrition will provide a helpful framework for most of the work of UNSCN.

Strategic Objective 3: Explore new and emerging nutrition-related issues

UNSCN will keep abreast of, and inform on global trends, progress and results in relation to nutrition in the context of the 2030 Agenda. It will identify critical emerging issues and propose strategies to investigate them and address knowledge gaps, in collaboration with members also engaging with several platforms such as the Committee on World Food Security (CFS), the Multi-Actor Advisory Committee (MAC) and the UN Interagency Task Force on the Prevention and Control of noncommunicable diseases (IATF), as well as strategic research and knowledge institutes.

UNSCN will undertake to continuously advance nutrition challenges, in relation to emerging new dimensions, as is the case with climate change and trade. For example through the joint undertaking of FAO, WHO, WFP, UNICEF and IFAD in formulating a common guiding framework, the UN Global Nutrition Agenda (UNGNA, 2015), The UNGNA provides a relevant frame for this. UNGNA will be updated to reflect the renewed UNSCN.

Strategic Objective 4: Promote knowledge sharing across the UN System

UNSCN will selectively convene time-bound communities of practice or working groups to advance the analysis and discussion of key topics, capitalizing on the competence and experience from its members.

UNSCN will also facilitate networking and joint research within the UN system with a view of producing knowledge products and identifying normative issues to be potentially raised with FAO and WHO. Through a restructured website, supported by other means of communication (including e-alerts and e-newsletters), UNSCN will offer a user-friendly and state-of-the-art “one-stop-shop” for information on best practices as well as fostering an active community discussing on nutrition issues.

Strategic Plan


SCN Strategic Plan 2000

This Strategic Plan sets out SCN major actions involved in taking leadership in strengthening and coordinating agencies’ efforts to support countries in their actions to end malnutrition.

SCN Strategic Plan 2000


UNSCN is pleased to be ready to support the UN system to ensure a successful Decade and support the achievement of global nutrition targets.
In its Strategic Plan, UNSCN refers to the Decade by stating it is a very useful framework for all its activities.

Strategic Plan 2016 - 2020: A new Strategy and a new Focus