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Infant and Young Child Feeding in Emergencies - Media Guide

IFE Core Group

Published in : 2006

Available in : Arabic, English, French, Spanish, German, Italian

A two page flyer outlining how the media can help protect and support appropriate and safe infant and young child feeding in emergencies.

Documents :
English (PDF, 137.59Kb)
French (PDF, 813.53Kb)
Spanish (PDF, 840.33Kb)
Italian (PDF, 204.51Kb)
Arabic (PDF, 263.02Kb)
German (as Word document) (DOC, 36.50Kb)

Originally posted at : Emergency Nutrition Network

This resource is listed under:

Themes : Breastfeeding, general, Complementary feeding, general, Emergency, general, Interventions, general, Nutrition planning, policy and programme, general, Undernutrition, general, Breastfeeding counseling, Breastfeeding counseling, Exclusive breastfeeding, Food and nutrition policies and strategies, HTP module 17, Infant feeding in emergencies, Infant formula / BMS, Infant, Young Child Feeding, International Code of Marketing of BMS, Maternal and child health

Life-cycle focus : Lactation, Infancy

Resource types : Advocacy briefs, Newsletters