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Family planning: A global handbook for providers

WHO, USAID, John Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health

Published in : 2007

Available in : Arabic, English, French, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Hindi, Rumanian

An excellent, recently rewritten, comprehensive and very clear guide to family planning methods. Written with over 20 international collaborating agencies and dozens of individual peer reviewers, including UNFPA and IPPF.

Documents :
English (PDF, 9.09Mb)
French (PDF, 3.45Mb)
Spanish (PDF, 2.90Mb)
Portuguese (PDF, 3.81Mb)
Arabic (PDF, 3.25Mb)
Russian (PDF, 4.00Mb)
Hindi (PDF, 5.32Mb)

Originally posted at : WHO - Publications

This resource is listed under:

Themes : Breastfeeding, general, Emergency, general, Nutrition and health/disease, general, Civil and political rights, Economic, social, and cultural rights, Exclusive breastfeeding, Health Interventions , HTP module 15, Maternal and child health, Women and girls

Resource types : Field guide, Operational guidance: Programme and implementation