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Location: Ecuador

An “anchored“ education promises better results

Governmental efforts aimed at rural children and youth can be more effective if the departments of education and agriculture co-ordinate their goals and policies. Several schools in Ecuador have embedded farming and rural life in the curriculum through a project that linked efforts of the education and agriculture ministries. Learning about traditional...

Published in 2011, by Torres, Irene

Nutrition Beyond the Health Sector: A Profile of World Bank Lending in Nutrition from 2000-2006

The World Bank report Repositioning Nutrition as Central to Development (2006) explicitly recommended improving nutrition by not only working through the health sector, but also in non-health sectors such as agriculture and education. This report provides descriptive and financial profiles of the Bank’s recent portfolio in nutrition (from FY2000 to late...

Published in 2008, by World Bank

Programa Nacional de Alimentación y Nutrición, PANN 2000. Evaluación de proceso e impacto

El Programa Nacional de Alimentación y Nutrición (PANN 2000) del Ministerio de Salud Pública (MSP) del Ecuador fue creado en el año 1998 e implementado en el año 2000 con el apoyo de organismos nacionales e internacionales y ONGs, para mejorar el estado nutricional, prevenir el retraso en el crecimiento y la deficiencia de micronutrientes en lactantes y...

Published in 2007, by OPS - PAHO, Ministerio de Salud Pública Ecuador, Proceso de Ciencia y Tecnología Ecuador

SCN News No 20 - Nutrition and Agriculture

This issue of SCN News deals with nutrition and agriculture.

Published in 2000, by UN Standing Committee on Nutrition

Social inequality and child malnutrition in four Andean countries

The objective of this study is to analyze the effects of socioeconomic, regional, and ethnic conditions on chronic malnutrition in four Andean countries of South America: Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru. Published in: Revista Panamericana de Salud Pública / Pan American Journal of Public Health, 2002, 11(5/6)356-364, ISSN 1020-4989, by Pan...

Published in 2002, by PAHO - OPS, Carlos Larrea , Wilma Freire