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An “anchored“ education promises better results

Torres, Irene

Published in : 2011

Available in : English

Governmental efforts aimed at rural children and youth can be more effective if the departments of education and agriculture co-ordinate their goals and policies. Several schools in Ecuador have embedded farming and rural life in the curriculum through a project that linked efforts of the education and agriculture ministries. Learning about traditional varieties, materials and fertilisers is now a part of the daily activities. This has led to higher enrolment and attendance rates, showing that schools gained more relevance for the rural youth.

Documents :
An “anchored“ education promises better results (PDF, 103.38Kb)

This resource is listed under:

Themes : Food chain, food production and processing, Local foods, Local foods, Local foods, Rural nutrition, Rural nutrition, School feeding, School feeding

Life-cycle focus : School age

Resource types : Flagship publications