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Location: Zimbabwe

Assessing micronutrient deficiencies in emergencies-Current practice and future directions

This document explores options available for investigating micronutrient deficiencies, draws attention to the best practices and includes references to practical tools and guidelines.

Published in 2007, by UN Standing Committee on Nutrition

Fifth Report on the World Nutrition Situation

The 5th Report continues the tradition of reporting on trends in nutrition throughout the life cycle and of challenging the nutrition community. But instead of asking the question: how is nutrition affected by global changes? the 5th Report asks the question more proactively: how can a nutrition perspective accelerate the attainment of a comprehensive set of...

Published in 2004, by UN Standing Committee on Nutrition

From Food Crisis to Fair Trade; Livelihood Analysis, Protection and Support in Emergencies

This report supplement aims to collate and analyse recent experiences of livelihoods programming in emergencies. The document provides guidance on livelihoods programming, includes practical examples from the field and summarises recent thinking. It provides an overview of what livelihoods programming is and examples of the range of interventions that are...

Published in 2006, by ENN, Oxfam

HIV/AIDS, TB and Nutrition - Scientific enquiry into the nutritional influences on human immunity with special reference to HIV infection and active TB in South Africa.

A fascinating evidence based account reviewing research of how malnutrition and HIV and TB interrelate, and the importance of intensive nutritional support for people with HIV.

Published in 2007, by ASSAf

Nutrition Information in Crisis Situations - Report Number 18

The UN Standing Committee on Nutrition issues these Reports on Nutrition Information in Crisis Situations with the intention of raising awareness and facilitating action. The Reports are designed to provide information over time on key outcome indicators from emergency- affected populations, play an advocacy role in bringing the plight of emergency affected...

Published in 2009, by UN Standing Committee on Nutrition

Nutrition Information in Crisis Situations - Report Number 19

The UN Standing Committee on Nutrition issues these Reports on Nutrition Information in Crisis Situations with the intention of raising awareness and facilitating action. The Reports are designed to provide information over time on key outcome indicators from emergency- affected populations, play an advocacy role in bringing the plight of emergency affected...

Published in 2009, by UN Standing Committee on Nutrition

Nutrition Policy Discussion Paper No 04 - Women's Role in Food Chain Activities and the Implications for Nutrition

We hope that the wide-ranging information herein will further the crucially important cause of women, specifically in relation to nutrition, in several ways. First, women's central role in providing for adequate nutrition - of families, communities, and indeed nations - in being described here in detail should help to give increased prominence to the need...

Published in 1989, by UN Standing Committee on Nutrition

Nutrition Policy Discussion Paper No 08 - Managing Successful Nutrition Programmes

Because undernutrition and malnutrition are the result of different economic and social determinants, it is difficult in field studies - not being double blind, randomized and placebo controlled - to attribute significant outcomes to specific interventions. And yet the need for successful nutrition programmes is becoming more compelling. They are required by...

Published in 1991, by UN Standing Committee on Nutrition

Nutrition Policy Discussion Paper No 15 - How Nutrition Improves

Viewing improved nutrition as an outcome of development processes expands the area of concern for policy-makers and practitioners who seek to combat malnutrition. These processes operate at different levels in society, from (he individual through to the whole arena of governmental policy and indeed international relationships. The SCN, in deciding on...

Published in 1996, by UN Standing Committee on Nutrition

Nutrition-Relevant Actions in Zimbabwe

This review of the nutrition situation in Zimbabwe over the years since independence in 1980 will consider both nutrition−related problems and actions.

Published in 1992, by UN Standing Committee on Nutrition

SCN News No 14 - Meeting the Nutrition Challenge

The focus of this issue of SCN News is on the nutrition challenge in the 21st century. New estimates of trends in malnutrition show some improvement worldwide, but at a substantially slower rate in the last few years than in the 1980s. This slowdown is cause for concern. It means that while the end of hunger and malnutrition had been coming into sight in the...

Published in 1997, by UN Standing Committee on Nutrition

SCN News No 15 - Effective Programmes in Africa for Improving Nutrition

This SCN News presents an overview of the Symposium 'Effective Programmes in Africa for Improving Nutrition, including Household Food Security' which was held at the SCN's 23rd Session in Accra, Ghana in February 1996.

Published in 1997, by UN Standing Committee on Nutrition

SCN News No 17 - Nutrition and HIV/AIDS

“Nutrition and HIV/AIDS” is featured in this newsletter. HIV continues its rapid and devastating spread in many areas of the world most notably sub-Saharan Africa. This feature addresses issues of HIV and Infant Feeding and the possible role of micronutrient deficiency on HIV progression. Adequate nutrition and food security must be recognised as...

Published in 1998, by UN Standing Committee on Nutrition

SCN News No 20 - Nutrition and Agriculture

This issue of SCN News deals with nutrition and agriculture.

Published in 2000, by UN Standing Committee on Nutrition

SCN News No 33 - Diet-related Chronic Diseases and the Double Burden of Malnutrition in West Africa

This issue of the SCN News features the papers presented at the Nutrition Forum meeting in Cape Verde. This is the results of a new collaborative arrangement between the SCN and the West African Health Organization (WAHO) of the Economic Community of Western African States (ECOWAS). The Nutrition Forum of ECOWAS brings together the nutrition focal points of...

Published in 2006, by UN Standing Committee on Nutrition

Second Report on the World Nutrition Situation - Volume II: Country Trends Methods and Statistics

Country-level data are intended to illustrate and promote understanding of observed trends in nutrition. They also, importantly, show the variety of situations, smoothed out in the regional data, from rapid improvement to stagnation or deterioration. As discussed in the text, the choice of countries was biased towards those with large populations. This means...

Published in 1993, by UN Standing Committee on Nutrition