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Location: Caribbean

Breastfeeding and Globalization: Implications for the Caribbean

This paper focuses on the threats and the opportunities for breastfeeding in our globalized world.

Published in 2005, by PAHO, WHO, Fitzroy J. Henry

Fifth Report on the World Nutrition Situation

The 5th Report continues the tradition of reporting on trends in nutrition throughout the life cycle and of challenging the nutrition community. But instead of asking the question: how is nutrition affected by global changes? the 5th Report asks the question more proactively: how can a nutrition perspective accelerate the attainment of a comprehensive set of...

Published in 2004, by UN Standing Committee on Nutrition

First Report on the World Nutrition Situation

The overall objectives of the report are to provide an agreed basis for raising awareness of malnutrition - its extent, severity and trends - to advocate that increased attention be given to preventing this extensive and serious human problem. The report, through the indicators and their interpretation, should demonstrate the inter-sectoral nature of the...

Published in 1987, by UN Standing Committee on Nutrition

First Report on the World Nutrition Situation - Supplement on Methods and Statistics

This supplement to the ACC/SCN's First Report on the World Nutrition Situation essentially expands section 4 of that report - the Technical Notes - to give more details, for two main purposes. In the first place, it was felt that an understanding of what is known about the world nutrition situation needs considerable detail on sources of data, assumptions,...

Published in 1988, by UN Standing Committee on Nutrition

Food and nutrition

This chapter, presents the problems of undernutrition and overnutrition that affect infants and young children under the age of 2 years, manifesting as stunting and anemia. Article published in the publication Health in the Americas, PAHO, 2002.

Published in 2002, by PAHO

Fourth Report on the World Nutrition Situation Nutrition throughout the Life Cycle

The Fourth Report on the World Nutrition Situation is part of a series of ACC/SCN reports initiated in the mid-1980s on the nutritional status of populations in developing countries. While earlier reports have focused on regional trends in preschool undernutrition, this report is built around the theme nutrition throughout the life cycle. This change was...

Published in 2000, by UN Standing Committee on Nutrition

From Food Crisis to Fair Trade; Livelihood Analysis, Protection and Support in Emergencies

This report supplement aims to collate and analyse recent experiences of livelihoods programming in emergencies. The document provides guidance on livelihoods programming, includes practical examples from the field and summarises recent thinking. It provides an overview of what livelihoods programming is and examples of the range of interventions that are...

Published in 2006, by ENN, Oxfam

Nutrition Beyond the Health Sector: A Profile of World Bank Lending in Nutrition from 2000-2006

The World Bank report Repositioning Nutrition as Central to Development (2006) explicitly recommended improving nutrition by not only working through the health sector, but also in non-health sectors such as agriculture and education. This report provides descriptive and financial profiles of the Bank’s recent portfolio in nutrition (from FY2000 to late...

Published in 2008, by World Bank

Nutrition Information in Crisis Situations - Report Number 18

The UN Standing Committee on Nutrition issues these Reports on Nutrition Information in Crisis Situations with the intention of raising awareness and facilitating action. The Reports are designed to provide information over time on key outcome indicators from emergency- affected populations, play an advocacy role in bringing the plight of emergency affected...

Published in 2009, by UN Standing Committee on Nutrition

Nutrition Information in Crisis Situations - Report Number 20

The UN Standing Committee on Nutrition issues these Reports on Nutrition Information in Crisis Situations with the intention of raising awareness and facilitating action. The Reports are designed to provide information over time on key outcome indicators from emergency- affected populations, play an advocacy role in bringing the plight of emergency affected...

Published in 2009, by UN Standing Committee on Nutrition

Nutrition Information in Crisis Situations - Report Number 21

The UN Standing Committee on Nutrition issues these Reports on Nutrition Information in Crisis Situations with the intention of raising awareness and facilitating action. The Reports are designed to provide information over time on key outcome indicators from emergency- affected populations, play an advocacy role in bringing the plight of emergency affected...

Published in 2010, by UN Standing Committee on Nutrition

Nutrition Policy Discussion Paper No 09 - Controlling Iron Deficiency

Iron deficiency anaemia is the most common nutritional disorder in the world, affecting particularly pregnant and lactating women and pre-school children. Supplementation with ferrous sulphate tablets (often including folic acid) is efficacious but problems exist with effectiveness of large scale programmes in developing countries. Nonetheless, improvement...

Published in 1991, by UN Standing Committee on Nutrition

SCN News No 19 - Nutrition and Healthy Ageing

It is projected that in 20 years there will be twice as many older people in the world, and 70% will live in developing countries. A radical change in our perception is needed: older people are not "burdens" or "problems" needing charity, but rather carers of children, advisers, teachers, guardians of culture, and volunteers for numerous community projects....

Published in 1999, by UN Standing Committee on Nutrition

SCN News No 20 - Nutrition and Agriculture

This issue of SCN News deals with nutrition and agriculture.

Published in 2000, by UN Standing Committee on Nutrition

Second Report on the World Nutrition Situation - Volume I: Global and Regional Results

This Second Report on the World Nutrition Situation comes at an important time. In the near future human well-being, to which nutrition is fundamental, could improve more rapidly throughout the world; but economic adjustments and mass migration are continuing threats. The results here show steady, if slow, progress in many countries in the last few years....

Published in 1992, by UN Standing Committee on Nutrition

Update on the Nutrition Situation - Recent Trends in Nutrition in 33 Countries

The report aims to describe recent trends in nutrition and certain potential determining factors, country-by-country. The approach is unavoidably ad hoc, due to the variable availability of data. Selected indicators of likely determinants of year-to-year change are emphasized, especially related to economic stress. Such factors are thought to be having...

Published in 1989, by UN Standing Committee on Nutrition