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WFP Basic Training in Food and Nutrition


Published in : 2002

Available in : English

A basic five-day training course on food and nutrition aimed at getting participants to gain a greater understanding of food and nutrition in relation to WFP’s work, and will provide opportunities for participants to practice related basic skills. It includes 12 sessions and three guides: trainer’s guide, workshop organizer’s guide and training materials for participants.

Module 1: General Introduction
Module 2: Nutrition and WFP
Module 3: Food Groups and Food Aid Commodities
Module 4: Types of Malnutrition
Module 5: Causes of Malnutrition
Module 6: Overview of Food and Nutrition Assessments
Module 7: Measurement of Malnutrition: Anthropometry and Nutritional Status
Module 8: Measurement of Malnutrition: Nutrition Surveys, Analysis and Interpretation
Module 9: Assessing and Addressing Micronutrient Deficiencies in Emergencies
Module 10: General Food Distribution
Module 11: General Food Rations
Module 12: Selective Feeding Programs

Documents :
English (ZIP, 13.20Mb)
French (ZIP, 18.76Mb)
Spanish (ZIP, 4.61Mb)

This resource is listed under:

Themes : Emergency, general, Household Food Security and community nutrition, general, Nutrition assessments and M&E, general, Undernutrition, general, Anthropometry, Biochemical, Food Aid, Food Aid, Food Rations, Micronutrient deficiencies, Micronutrient deficiencies, Monitoring and evaluation, Monitoring and evaluation, Stunting, Supplementary feeding, Supplementary feeding, Therapeutic feeding, RUF/RUTF, Therapeutic feeding, RUF/RUTF, Underweight, Wasting

Resource types : Training material

Working groups : Nutrition in Emergencies