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Impact of climate change and bioenergy on nutrition


Published in : 2008

Available in : English

This paper, prepared for the High Level Conference on World Food Security: The Challenge of Climate Change and Bioenergy (Rome, 3-5 June 2008), explores the implications of climate change and rising bioenergy demand for nutrition. It examines the direct nutrition effects of rising bioenergy demand, as well as its contribution to rising food prices. The paper begins by describing the current state of global food insecurity and malnutrition and the causes, consequences and costs of food insecurity and malnutrition. A number of factors besides climate change, bioenergy and rising prices that can contribute to malnutrition in the future are also discussed. Finally, a chapter on policy implications provides several options for improving food security and nutrition, as well as for addressing the links between climate change and bioenergy demand and nutrition.

Documents :
Impact of climate change and bioenergy on nutrition (PDF, 1.78Mb)

Originally posted at : FAO Corporate Document Repository

This resource is listed under:

Themes : Household Food Security and community nutrition, general, Nutrition and food systems, general, Nutrition planning, policy and programme, general

Resource types : Reports

Working groups : Household Food Security