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Population Challenges and Development Goals


Published in : 2005

Available in : English

The present report has two objectives. First, it presents a succinct overview of demographic trends worldwide, for major areas and selected countries. It covers population size and growth, urbanization and city growth, population ageing, fertility and contraception, mortality and international migration. Second, the report considers the contribution of the implementation of the Programme of Action of the International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD), in all its aspects, to the achievement of the internationally agreed development goals, including those contained in the United Nations Millennium Declaration.

Documents :
Population Challenges and Development Goals (PDF, 1.30Mb)

Originally posted at : Catalogue of United Nations Population Division Publications

This resource is listed under:

Themes : Emergency, general, Interventions, general, Nutrition and HIV/AIDS, general, Nutrition assessments and M&E, general, Undernutrition, general, Vulnerable groups, general, Demographic, HIV / AIDS affected communities, HIV / AIDS affected communities, Monitoring and evaluation, Monitoring and evaluation, Mortality, Mortality, Multi-sectoral, Socio-economic, Women and girls

Resource types : Reports