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Feed Minds, Change Lives - School Feeding: Highlights and New Directions


Published in : 2009

Available in : English

Feed Minds, Change Lives is a compilation of the following most recent analytical work undertaken in 2009 on the subject of school feeding:
• Learning from Experience – Good practices from 45 years of school feeding, by WFP
• An Investment Case for School Feeding, by WFP and the Boston Consulting Group
• Rethinking School Feeding: Social Safety Nets, Child Development and the Education Sector, a joint publication by the World Bank Group and WFP
• Home-Grown School Feeding: A framework to link school feeding with local agricultural production, by WFP

This document extracts from these works, the key concepts and actions necessary to achieve greater and more rapid gains in eliminating child
hunger, while contributing to human development.

Documents :
Feed Minds, Change Lives - School Feeding: Highlights and New Directions (PDF, 2.02Mb)

Originally posted at : WFP - Publications

This resource is listed under:

Themes : Nutrition and food systems, general, Nutrition planning, policy and programme, general, School age nutrition and adolescents , general, Food chain, food production and processing, School feeding, School feeding

Life-cycle focus : School age

Resource types : Reports

Working groups : Nutrition of School-Age Children