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Rising to the Challenges - The Millennium Development Goals for Health

World Bank

Published in : 2004

Available in : English

This report focuses on the health and nutrition Millennium Development Goals agreed to by over 180 governments. It assesses progress to date and prospects of achieving the goals. The report argues that where progress has been slow, the reason is not lack of technical solutions but that effective interventions are not used. The report reviews the determinants to low access and use of these interventions at household and health systems levels, and shows the role that policies and institutions play.

Documents :
Rising to the Challenges - The Millennium Development Goals for Health (PDF, 3.20Mb)

Originally posted at : World Bank Nutrition Publications & Reports

This resource is listed under:

Themes : Interventions, general, Nutrition planning, policy and programme, general, Undernutrition, general, Food and nutrition policies and strategies

Resource types : Reports