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Guiding Principles for Complementary Feeding of the Breastfed Child


Published in : 2001

Available in : English

These guidelines can be used as the basis for developing recommendations on complementary feeding for breastfed children 6-23 months of age. The guiding principles not only set standards for practical dietary guidelines, they also discuss when, where and how young children should be fed. The guidelines are a result of several consultations and documents on complementary feeding, and represent state-of-the art knowledge on complementary feeding.

Documents :
English (PDF, 5.69Mb)
French (PDF, 7.93Mb)
Spanish (PDF, 1.04Mb)

Originally posted at : WHO - Child and adolescent health and development

This resource is listed under:

Themes : Breastfeeding, general, Complementary feeding, general, Emergency, general, Breastfeeding counseling, Breastfeeding counseling, Exclusive breastfeeding, HTP module 17, HTP module 18, Infant feeding in emergencies, Infant, Young Child Feeding, Maternal and child health

Life-cycle focus : Lactation, Infancy

Resource types : Guidelines

Working groups : Breastfeeding and complementary feeding