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Learning about Micronutrient Nutrition: Iron

The Micronutrient Initiative

Published in : 2003

Available in : English

This educational module on iron has two basic purposes: 1. To bring to the attention of health program and project managers, professional health care providers and students the dire consequences of anaemia for health in its physical and mental dimensions and for the economic productivity of individuals and populations; and 2. To make health care professionals and students aware of the various approaches to anemia prevention and control which they can undertake within the health sector and other related sectors and programmes for preventing and controlling anemia

Originally posted at : MicroNutrient Initiative Publication library search results

This resource is listed under:

Themes : Micronutrients, general, Nutrition planning, policy and programme, general, Iron / Anaemia

Resource types : CD-Rom, Training material

Working groups : Micronutrients