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Location: Peru

Alimentación y nutrición del Niño Pequeño: Reunión subregional sudamérica

En diciembre del 2008, se realizó la reunión subregional “Alimentación y Nutrición del Niño Pequeño”, en la ciudad de Lima-Perú. La reunión fue organizada por el Ministerio de Salud del Perú con el apoyo técnico y financiero OPS/OMS, UNICEF; y PMA. El propósito general de la reunión fue analizar la interrelación entre la salud, la nutrición...

Published in 2009, by OPS - PAHO, UNICEF, PMA - WFP

Nutrition Beyond the Health Sector: A Profile of World Bank Lending in Nutrition from 2000-2006

The World Bank report Repositioning Nutrition as Central to Development (2006) explicitly recommended improving nutrition by not only working through the health sector, but also in non-health sectors such as agriculture and education. This report provides descriptive and financial profiles of the Bank’s recent portfolio in nutrition (from FY2000 to late...

Published in 2008, by World Bank

Nutrition Policy Discussion Paper No 08 - Managing Successful Nutrition Programmes

Because undernutrition and malnutrition are the result of different economic and social determinants, it is difficult in field studies - not being double blind, randomized and placebo controlled - to attribute significant outcomes to specific interventions. And yet the need for successful nutrition programmes is becoming more compelling. They are required by...

Published in 1991, by UN Standing Committee on Nutrition

Nutrition Policy Discussion Paper No 12 - Nutritional Issues in Food Aid

In the past, critics of food aid have argued that it encourages dependency, both by undermining incentives to local food production as well as biasing tastes towards imported commodities. However, as we approach the mid-1990s, there is now a growing understanding that -- when managed appropriately - food aid can provide a positive boost to food security, at...

Published in 1993, by UN Standing Committee on Nutrition

SCN News No 20 - Nutrition and Agriculture

This issue of SCN News deals with nutrition and agriculture.

Published in 2000, by UN Standing Committee on Nutrition

SCN News No 37 - Landscape Analysis on Countries' Readiness to Accelerate Action in Nutrition

This issue of SCN News focuses on the Landscape Analysis on Readiness to Accelerate Nutrition Action with Chizuru Nishida of WHO as the Special Guest Editor. It describes the country assessments undertaken in five countries that are part of the 36 high-burden countries identified by the Lancet Nutrition Series.

Published in 2009, by UN Standing Committee on Nutrition

Social inequality and child malnutrition in four Andean countries

The objective of this study is to analyze the effects of socioeconomic, regional, and ethnic conditions on chronic malnutrition in four Andean countries of South America: Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru. Published in: Revista Panamericana de Salud Pública / Pan American Journal of Public Health, 2002, 11(5/6)356-364, ISSN 1020-4989, by Pan...

Published in 2002, by PAHO - OPS, Carlos Larrea , Wilma Freire

Update on the Nutrition Situation - Recent Trends in Nutrition in 33 Countries

The report aims to describe recent trends in nutrition and certain potential determining factors, country-by-country. The approach is unavoidably ad hoc, due to the variable availability of data. Selected indicators of likely determinants of year-to-year change are emphasized, especially related to economic stress. Such factors are thought to be having...

Published in 1989, by UN Standing Committee on Nutrition