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EAPRO Training for Improved Practice: Public Health and Nutrition in Emergencies

Practical training package for 10 days designed for UNICEF staff covering and public health and nutrition aspects of emergencies from assessment to design and monitoring programmes. 1. Welcome and Introductions 2. Policies, Practices and Decision Making 3. Basic Concepts 4. Rapid Assessments in Emergencies 5. Survey Methodology 6. Survey...

Published in 2003, by Tufts University, CDC/Columbia University for UNICEF

Joint evaluation of the international response to the Indian Ocean tsunami: Synthesis report

The TEC's Synthesis Report represents the culmination of over a year's work by TEC member agencies. It examines the successes and failures as well as the constraints within which the response occurred between the first 8 and 11 months of the response. It does this by distilling the findings and learning from over 140 additional reports, including many TEC...

Published in 2006, by John Telford, John Cosgrave , Rachel Houghton

Nutrition Beyond the Health Sector: A Profile of World Bank Lending in Nutrition from 2000-2006

The World Bank report Repositioning Nutrition as Central to Development (2006) explicitly recommended improving nutrition by not only working through the health sector, but also in non-health sectors such as agriculture and education. This report provides descriptive and financial profiles of the Bank’s recent portfolio in nutrition (from FY2000 to late...

Published in 2008, by World Bank

Nutrition Information in Crisis Situations - Report Number 17

The UN Standing Committee on Nutrition issues these Reports on Nutrition Information in Crisis Situations with the intention of raising awareness and facilitating action. The Reports are designed to provide information over time on key outcome indicators from emergency- affected populations, play an advocacy role in bringing the plight of emergency affected...

Published in 2008, by UN Standing Committee on Nutrition

Nutrition Policy Discussion Paper No 04 - Women's Role in Food Chain Activities and the Implications for Nutrition

We hope that the wide-ranging information herein will further the crucially important cause of women, specifically in relation to nutrition, in several ways. First, women's central role in providing for adequate nutrition - of families, communities, and indeed nations - in being described here in detail should help to give increased prominence to the need...

Published in 1989, by UN Standing Committee on Nutrition

SCN News No 20 - Nutrition and Agriculture

This issue of SCN News deals with nutrition and agriculture.

Published in 2000, by UN Standing Committee on Nutrition